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Malhotra, Akshay

Name: Mr Akshay Malhotra

Specialisation: Orthopaedics

Designation: Consultant Orthopaedic Hand and Wrist Surgeon

Qualification: MBBS, MRCS, FRCS (Tr. & Orth.)



I did my higher surgical training in the prestigious Stoke-Oswestry rotation. Subsequently I completed a 16 month fellowship at the well-reputed Pulvertaft hand centre at Derby and two international fellowships in hand and wrist surgery at Institut de La Main, Paris as well as Ganga hospital, Coimbatore, India.

My expertise includes managing complex hand and wrist trauma and elective procedures, peripheral nerve injuries including brachial plexus injuries and upper limb spasticity in both post stroke and cerebral palsy patients.

Along with routine procedures, I perform arthroscopic wrist procedures, endoscopic carpal tunnel decompression, percutaneous needle fasciotomy for dupuytren's and joint replacement procedures in hand and wrist for arthritis.

Most of my surgical procedures are performed using the awake regional anaesthesia technique.​