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Network services

The Division encompasses a wide range of specialties each supported by an integrated therapy service. Our services fall into three directorates:

  • Heart Centre Directorate
  • Neurosciences Directorate
  • Trauma Directorate

Importantly the division believes in two key principles:

  • That our patients should have more control over the care they receive.
  • That those responsible for patient care – our doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals should have the freedom and be empowered to continually improve the care of our patients.

We have set about creating a clinically led division with the appointment of clinicians to key managerial posts and we strongly believe in a clinically led organisation with:

  • Designated clinical leads who have clear accountability for monitoring the quality of care in their service areas
  • Clinical involvement in all decisions affecting service provision and patient care through service line meetings

Our clinical priorities are set out in our integrated business plan which looks ahead to the next five years, this includes the expansion of all our clinical services, the development of ambulatory care facilities and development of specialist nurses to support these changes.

All this will ensure that as a division we have a clear vision linked to the strategic objectives which deliver safe and effective patient centred care.

Ultimately we believe that having an engaged workforce will show in our delivery of quality patient care – this means having the right staff, with the right skills at the right time.