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Heroic Mick wins CEO Award

A healthcare assistant whose quick thinking helped save the life of a distressed member of the public has been praised for his actions.

Mick Hibbs was on his way into work at Royal Stoke’s A&E Department when he spotted a gentleman in distress on a bridge.

Despite not being able to reach the stranger in time before jumping, Mick was able to provide first aid and call an ambulance.

Mick was presented with a CEO Award by UHNM Chief Executive Tracy Bullock.

He was nominated for the award by colleague Nakita Emmens.

Nakita said: “Although Mick was travelling in the opposite direction on his way into work, he spotted the gentleman on the bridge and turned his car around. As he was approaching the scene to try and comfort him, the gentleman unfortunately jumped over the edge of the bridge.

“With the safety of the patient always being at the front of Mick’s mind, he too climbed over the bridge and made his way down to help the man who wasn’t visible to traffic passing below.

“Mick then supported the patient, rang for emergency aid and called on passers by to manage the traffic flow past the scene.

“Once the gentleman had been brought to hospital, Mick then got back into his car and made his way to work to continue to help the public, all with a brave smile on his face.

“Mick is always keen to lend a hand at work and is a role model to colleagues of all levels. We feel he deserves this recognition, as it goes above and beyond, and shows to the public how staff at UHNM are willing to support our community.”

After being presented with his award Mick said: "I would of done it for anybody, its my job, and I love my job."