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UHNM clinicians save colleagues life

Two clinicians from University Hospitals of North Midlands have been recognised with a Trust award after saving a colleagues life when she went into cardiac arrest.

Christine Hyatt, a domestic employed by Sodexo, was on duty in the Surgical Special Care Unit (SSCU) when she collapsed and went into cardiac arrest. Registered Nurse Tesfamariam (Tes) Andemariam and Healthcare Assistant Julie Peers were working on the ward when they heard a call for help from another colleague, finding Christine on the floor blue with no pulse.

Tes and Julie immediately provided life-saving care, completing two rounds of CPR until Christine was successfully resuscitated. Once stable, Christine was transferred to the Royal Stoke Emergency Department for tests and treatment.  

Christine, who has worked at UHNM for 18 years, said: “I can’t thank Julie and Tes enough for saving my life. I am feeling much better and I have recovered well after lots of blood tests, X-rays and CT scans. I am just glad they were there on the day, what they both did for me was incredible.”

Sarah Doherty, Senior Sister on the Surgical Special Care Unit, said: “I cannot express how proud I am of my team. Thank goodness Tes and Julie performed resuscitation without delay when they found Christine in an unconscious state in the corridor. If it wasn’t for their quick thinking Christine may not have survived. They went above and beyond to help a much loved colleague. What they did was amazing.”

Tes and Julie have both received a Chief Executive Award for their actions.

Tracy Bullock, UHNM Chief Executive, said: “I am so proud to present Julie and Tes with a Chief Executive Award in recognition for saving Christine’s life. Their team work together ensured Christine received the best lifesaving care she needed. It is truly remarkable what they have done. Congratulations.”

Julie said: “I am very honoured to receive this award, I didn’t expect this at all. The main thing is that Christine is alright. It was a team effort between us.”

Tes added: “We both appreciate this award so much. Thank you to the SSCU team, we are a great team and family. It’s been a great honour to receive this award and we are really happy Christine is well.”

Christine is still under investigation but is now back at work and looking forward to the future, she added: “I’m looking forward to a cruise I have booked in September, it’s my first one in a while and I will enjoy every minute!”