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UHNM domestic nominated for Who Cares Wins Award

A domestic from University Hospitals of North Midlands has been nominated for a Who Cares Wins Award, which celebrates healthcare heroes who go above and beyond and are recognised for their incredible achievements. 

Lorraine Howell, 64, a Sodexo domestic on ward 228 has been nominated for the Unsung Hero award in the awards which are organised by The Sun newspaper. She was nominated by Rhian Doyle after Lorraine reassured and supported her during her hospital stays.

Rhian from Telford, was diagnosed in April 2021 with chiari malformation, a condition where the lower part of the brain pushes down into the spinal canal. Over the last 18 months she has had issues with cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) leaks and infections and has needed multiple Ventriculoperitoneal shunt operations which takes fluid away from the brain where the pressure builds up and drains into the abdomen.

The 37-year-old said: “It was a scary and terrifying time especially as I couldn’t go onto the ward with my family because of Covid restrictions at the time. I had seen Lorraine walk past while I was waiting to go into the ward and she smiled as she walked past. I didn’t know that she would become such a caring and amazing member of staff and now a great friend.”

During Rhian’s multiple hospital stays Lorraine has been there for her every step of the way, reassuring her and being there for her during difficult times.

Rhian added: “Every time I have been back on the ward Lorraine has always been there - not just to keep the ward clean for patients and staff, but she is there for that friendly reassurance when you feel low, she’s there with the most perfect brew when the ward round hasn’t always been the way I wanted it to go. It’s like she automatically knows that I’m anxious or worried and knows just how and when to approach and to talk and help me talk about it.

“Lorraine is the ward angel and being a long term neurosurgery patient is a very scary place, at times is a very dark place. Staff like Lorraine, who go that extra mile to make such a difference, are those that deserve the recognition and that’s why I nominated her -I hope she wins!”

Lorraine said: “I am over the moon to be nominated for this national award and I want to thank Rhian for nominating me. I know when Rhian is feeling nervous or worried and offer her my time to have a cup of tea and a chat to help ease her worries. We have struck up a great friendship and I will always be there when she needs me. I’m looking forward to the awards evening, it should be a fantastic event.”

The winners of The Sun’s Who Cares Wins Health Awards 2023 will be revealed at a star-studded ceremony at The Roundhouse, hosted by Davina McCall and attended by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer.

The evening of moving stories features a host of big-name stars and honours nominees across 11 different categories including Best Nurse, Young Hero, Best Doctor and Local Health Hero. There are also awards for Best Team, Unsung Hero, Best Midwife, Best Health Charity, 999 Hero and Mental Health Hero.

Broadcast on Channel 4 and produced by Thames (a Fremantle label), the awards are sponsored by The National Lottery. 

The Sun’s Who Cares Wins Awards, will air on Sunday 24 September at 6.30pm on Channel 4 and All 4.