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UHNM midwife celebrates Kings Coronation in London

A midwife from University Hospitals of North Midlands joined thousands of spectators to celebrate the Kings Coronation after being selected to attend the Coronation Procession on behalf of UHNM. 

Lucky Kerry Hodson was drawn from the NHS ballot and joined two hundred NHS staff members to witness the historic event take place.

Kerry and her husband Craig sat in the Queen Victoria Memorial stand near Buckingham Palace giving a unique view of Their Majesties The King and Queen Consort leaving for Westminster Abbey, and returning in the Gold State Coach after officially being crowned.

Kerry, who has worked at UHNM for many years, said: “I was so happy to be able to attend the Coronation on behalf of UHNM. It was a very surreal day, seeing it in person. The amount of people that were there was just fantastic, when the King and Queen were on the balcony the view was breath taking.

“Seeing the golden state coach was just incredible, we had the best seats and the best view to see everyone and everything.”

The NHS ballot recognises the dedication, service and impact of hundreds of thousands of NHS staff and volunteers over its 75-year history.

Kerry added: “The atmosphere was amazing and something I will remember for the rest of my life, it literally was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am so thankful I was selected to attend.”