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The breast care service at UHNM is provided by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) of healthcare professionals. We provide care to a local population of 700,000 people and specialise in the treatment of both benign and malignant breast conditions. We provide treatment for breast screening and symptomatic patients and help to diagnose and treat approximately 650 new cases of breast cancers annually.

The team works according to nationally recognised guidelines and is rigorously monitored to ensure compliance, taking a full and active part in national peer reviews and NHS Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) quality assurance visits.

Important Information

Breast surgeons
Our team of breast surgeons provide treatment for benign and malignant breast conditions and offer a complete range of surgical procedures including oncoplastic and reconstructive options. The breast surgeons are:

  • Mr S Narayanan, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
  • Mr S Soumian, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
  • Mr S Marla, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
  • Ms S Jafferbhoy, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
  • Mr V Gopalan, Locum Consultant Breast Surgeon
  • Mr E Nael, Specialty doctor
  • Ms A Hasan, Specialty doctor

Breast Care Nurses
Our team members are:

  • Rachel B, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse Specialist 
  • Natshata Holloway, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Caroline Laffin, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Emily Howard, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Ellena Hill, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Paula DaCosta Ibraimo, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Hayley Simpson, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Elizabeth Mellor, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Lynne Scott, Macmillan Breast Care Nurse
  • Sally Nixon, Breast Nursing Assistant 
  • Leah Gannon, Secondary Breast Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist 


Breast Oncologists
We have a team of oncologists who specialise in treatment of breast cancer. Treatments include radiotherapy provided at the UHNM Cancer Centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital (RSUH) and chemotherapy which is provided at the Cancer Centres at both RSUH and County Hospital.

  • Dr D Gahir, Consultant Oncologist
  • Dr A Jegannathen, Consultant Oncologist
  • Dr L El-Helw, Consultant Oncologist
  • Dr Virgil Sivoglo, Locum Consultant Oncologist
  • Dr M Sivaramalingam, Consultant Oncologist
  • Dr S Gilani, Specialty Doctor


Breast radiology
The imaging team is led by consultant radiologists and supported by an expert breast radiography team which includes consultant radiographers, clinical specialist radiographers, advanced practitioners, radiographers and assistant practitioners.

  • Dr S Bajwa, Consultant Radiologist
  • Dr E Gunning, Consultant Radiologist
  • Dr Z Mohd-Isa, Consultant Radiologist
  • Dr S Salehi-Bird, Consultant Radiologist
  • Dr O Stankiewicz, Consultant Radiologist
  • Dr R Gelder, Consultant Radiologist
  • Ms F Mulenga, Consultant Radiographer
  • Ms M Ellitts, Superintendent Radiographer
  • Ms Jayne Timmis, Deputy Superintendent Radiographer
  • Ms F Willis, Clinical Specialist Radiographer
  • Ms B Booth, Clinical Specialist Radiographer
  • Ms C Ruanne, Radiographer Advanced Practitioner
  • Ms K Bailey, Radiographer Advanced Practitioner
  • Ms J Ingram, Radiographer Advanced Practitioner
  • Ms F Davies, Radiographer Advanced Practitioner


Breast Pathologists
We have a team of consultant pathologists who specialise in breast care at UHNM:

  • Dr M Stephens, Consultant Histopathologist
  • Dr L Hammond, Consultant Histopathologist
  • Dr S Sundararajan, Consultant Histopathologist
  • Dr Sybill Chacko, Consultant Histoptahologist

Plastic Surgeons
We have a team of plastic surgeons who specialise in breast reconstruction.

  • Mr D Prinsloo, Consultant Plastic Surgeon
  • Mr E Erel, Consultant Plastic Surgeon
  • Mr A Ismail, Consultant Plastic Surgeon


Nurse Practitioners (ANPs)
ANPs are registered nurses who work alongside breast surgeons and oncologists in new and follow-up clinics

Our ANPs are:

  • Helen Francis, Breast Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Julie Boulton, Breast Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Babylin Catella, Oncology Advanced Nurse Practitioner


Lymphoedema team:

  • Rebecca Elwell, Macmillan Advanced Nurse Practitioner for Lymphoedema
  • Jenny Neale, Macmillan Lymphoedema Nurse Specialist
  • Helen Stone, Lymphoedema Nurse
  • Antje Moller, Lymphoedema Nurse
  • Jayne Waltho, Lymphoedema Health Care Assistant
  • Alison Swift, Lymphoedema Administrator
  • Helen Clarke, Lymphoedema Administrator
  • Tamsin Wright, Lymphoedema Administrator

North Midlands Breast Screening provides a service for the women of North Staffordshire, Mid Staffordshire and the surrounding areas. Breast screening is performed to detect cancers at an early stage.

Women between 50 and 71 years who are registered with a GP are invited for breast screening according to a three-year schedule.

View the breast screening schedule.

Screening mammograms are performed at two static units: one in Hanley and the other at County Hospital. Currently there are three mobile sites in Kidsgrove, Leek and Newcastle so you can choose to have a mammogram in your local area.

At the screening appointment, two mammograms are taken of each breast. Mammograms are reviewed by two specialist film readers and the results will be sent to your home address within three weeks. Your GP will also be notified of your results. 

You can find more information on breast screening by visiting this website:

If you have been referred to a breast clinic by your GP or if you have been recalled following routine breast screening, it is natural to feel anxious and worried. The vast majority of patients seen at the breast clinic do not have breast cancer, however it is still important that you attend the breast appointment and get fully assessed. Breast cancers are generally diagnosed through two different pathways: the National Breast Screening Programme or from one-stop breast clinics.

Being referred by a GP to the breast clinic
GPs follow guidance when deciding whether or not to refer you to the breast clinic. Your GP may have referred you to a one-stop breast clinic if you have:

  • An unexplained breast lump with or without pain
  • Nipple discharge
  • Nipple retraction
  • Skin changes that suggest breast cancer
  • An unexplained lump under the arm (axilla)

Being recalled to the breast clinic following a routine screening mammogram
About four in 100 women are called back following a routine screening mammogram because they need more tests. This is more common after the first mammogram. Something that may look unusual on your mammogram may be entirely normal for you and most women recalled for assessment will not have breast cancer.

What can I expect from the 'one-stop' breast clinic?
Your breast clinic appointment can take up to four hours so that all necessary tests are carried out. It is therefore important that you allow plenty of time for this appointment.  During this visit you will be seen by a breast surgeon or a specialist nurse and may have a mammogram and/or ultrasound if it is deemed necessary. If you require a biopsy (tissue sampling), this may be performed on the same day.

What is a mammogram?
A mammogram is a low-dose x-ray of the breast tissue. They are usually the primary test for women aged 40 or over. It is not routinely performed in younger women as the breast tissue is denser and this can make it difficult to detect any changes on the mammogram.

Usually two mammograms (from different angles) are taken of each breast. The breast tissue needs to be compressed firmly to keep the breast still and to get a clear picture. Some women may find this uncomfortable and occasionally it is painful for a short time. You will need to stay still for less than a minute while the picture is taken.

What is an ultrasound?
An ultrasound is a scan which is performed if the breast specialist can feel an abnormality or if an abnormality is seen on the mammograms. It is used to characterise if a lump is solid or fluid filled (cystic) and can often tell if a solid lump is cancerous or not.

What is a needle core biopsy?
A core biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue under local anaesthetic using a special needle. This may be performed on the breast and/or lymph nodes under your arm. A biopsy helps in the diagnosis of your breast problem by microscopic analysis of this tissue. Needle core biopsies can be performed under ultrasound or mammographic guidance in the imaging department or it may be performed by your breast specialist in clinic.

What is a marker clip?
A marker clip is a titanium clip which is inserted after an ultrasound or mammographic guided biopsy. This is to mark the area from where the biopsy has been taken. You will not feel the clip when it is in the breast and this will not interfere with any other investigations you may require in the future.

When will I receive the results?
You will be given the results of the scans on the same day and you will be advised if you require any further investigations.

What if I require a biopsy?
A biopsy may be performed during the same visit but if you require a biopsy under mammographic guidance, you will be called back to have a biopsy on another day. The biopsy results generally take 7-10 days and you will be informed of the results by a letter or in a clinic. Your subsequent clinic appointment may either be a face-to-face, telephone or a video consultation.

What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is cancer that starts in the breast tissue. One in seven women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. 

What are the types of breast cancer?
There are many different types of breast cancer, the most common being 'Invasive Ductal' and 'Invasive Lobular'. These cancers can be hormone receptor positive (oestrogen and progesterone receptor) and/or HER-2 positive.

DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ) is a condition where abnormal cells are present within the milk ducts.

Patients will need different treatments depending on the type of breast cancer they have. For more information, click here.

What if I have been diagnosed with breast cancer?
You will meet with a specialist to confirm your cancer diagnosis and discuss your treatment plan. The specialist works as part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) of cancer specialists who will recommend a treatment plan based on your type of breast cancer. You will also meet your breast care nurse (see breast care nursing support section below for more information) who will be your key worker during diagnosis and treatment.

What treatment will I have?
There are many different treatments for breast cancer. You will be advised by your specialist team what the best treatments options are for you and you will have the opportunity to discuss them in detail. Treatment for breast cancer usually involves surgery and you may also require chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone treatment and other targeted treatments.

Click here for more information.

What kind of surgery will I need?
Your surgeon will discuss surgical options with you. This involves surgery of the breast with or without lymph node surgery.

Breast surgery

Your surgeon will discuss the option of wide local excision (also called a 'lumpectomy') or a mastectomy (removal of the whole breast) with you.

A wide local excision is a breast-conserving operation which involves removal of the cancerous area with a rim of normal breast tissue. This operation may be combined with breast reduction (called 'therapeutic mammoplasty') or partial reconstruction by utilising tissue from outside the breast to fill the defect.

A mastectomy involves removal of the whole breast. Your surgeon will discuss the option of breast reconstruction which can be done at the same time or at a later date following completion of cancer treatment. 

Lymph node surgery
If you have invasive cancer or are undergoing a mastectomy for DCIS, you will require axillary (armpit) surgery to check if the cancer cell shave spread to the lymph glands. Your surgeon will discuss whether you need a Sentinel node biopsy or axillary node clearance.

  • Sentinel node biopsy – This is an operation to remove one to four lymph nodes from the axilla, usually at the same time as your breast surgery. It is performed using a radio-isotope injection with or without a blue dye.
  • Axillary node clearance – This operation is performed if the cancer cells have spread to lymph glands and involves removal of all the lymph nodes in the axilla.

More information on breast and axillary surgery can be found here.


What can I do to improve my recovery?
Patients undergoing breast surgery are encouraged to exercise before and after surgery to reduce shoulder stiffness and risk of lymphoedema.

Please watch these videos to learn more about pre-operative and post-operative exercises.

What is chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is a treatment which uses drugs to destroy cancer cells and acts on the whole body. Different chemotherapy drugs work in different ways and a combination is often used. Chemotherapy can be used before (this is called 'neo-adjuvant') or after ('adjuvant') surgery. More information on chemotherapy can be found here.

What are targeted therapies?
Treatments such as Trastuzumab (Herceptin) and Pertuzumab (Perjeta) are used to treat breast cancers which are HER-2 positive. This is usually in combination with chemotherapy either before or after surgery. Your surgeon or oncologist will advise you if you require this treatment. For more information on targeted therapies, click here.

What is radiotherapy?
Radiotherapy is where high-energy x-rays are used to destroy cancer cells. It is usually given after surgery to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back in the breast, chest area or lymph nodes. If you are having chemotherapy after surgery, radiotherapy is given after chemotherapy. More information on chemotherapy can be found here.

What is hormone therapy?
Some breast cancers are sensitive to oestrogen. Drugs that block oestrogen (Tamoxifen, Anastrazole, Letrozole, Exemastane, Fasolodex, Zoladex) are commonly used to treat some breast cancers.  These tablets are given for 5-10 years after surgery. For patients who cannot have surgery, these drugs can sometimes be used to keep cancer under control.

More information on hormone therapy can be found here.


Will I need follow-up care after my treatment?
After breast cancer treatment, you will have annual mammograms for 5 years if you are above the age of 45 at cancer diagnosis. If you are less than 45 years of age, you will continue to have annual mammograms until you reach the screening age.

Your surgeon will advise you if you are suitable for a self-managed pathway or you need to return to clinic for cancer follow-up.

Patients are encouraged to start these exercises before surgery:

Pre-operative exercises

Breast prosthesis fitting service
Restoring your breast contour after mastectomy is a very important part of aiding your endeavours to adjust to your diagnosis and your altered body image. We can help you achieve this by providing an external breast form (prosthesis) to be worn inside your bra. The aim is for you to attain an equal and balanced appearance when dressed. Silicone breast forms are normally fitted about six weeks after your surgery to give time for your wound to heal. You will be allocated an appointment to attend the fitting room at the hospital. In the meantime you will be fitted with a soft breast form before you leave hospital. You will be provided with a free mastectomy bra at your first fitting.

There are also a range of discreet partial breast forms for women who may be unbalanced following a wide local excision. We also supply stick-on breast forms and a light-weight range if preferred. The normal life of prostheses is approximately three years following which further appointments can be arranged for a new prosthesis.

Lymphoedema service
The lymphoedema service is nurse-led, with assessment and treatments provided on an outpatient basis. Lymphoedema clinics are held every week day at the cancer centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital and at Katharine House Hospice at County Hospital.

Patients referred to the service will undergo a full holistic assessment, taking into account physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. The aim of the lymphoedema service is to assist patients to manage the oedema and reduce the impact it has on daily life. Self-management is an essential part of lymphoedema care and patients are instructed in any relevant techniques necessary. Treatment plans may include skin care advice, specific exercises, healthy eating and weight management advice, compression hosiery such as arm sleeves and gloves, manual lymphatic drainage and other forms of therapy. Information is provided in a variety of formats, including patient information leaflets, booklets and visual aids such as DVDs and videos.

Physiotherapy service
At both Royal Stoke and County Hospital sites there is a designated therapy team that will be involved in your post-operative care, if you have had one of the following operations:

  • Axillary node clearance
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy
  • Mastectomy
  • Reconstruction with mesh implant
  • Latissimus Dorsi flap reconstruction
  • DIEP flap reconstruction

You will be given an exercise leaflet to continue your exercises after you are discharged home. A video detailing the exercises is available for you to begin before and after your surgery.The therapy staff may identify a need for further physiotherapy follow-up depending on the type of operation and whether your arm function is limited after the surgery.

Fresh Hair, Wigs and Beauty
For patients suffering with hair loss through illness or cancer treatment, UHNM have their very own state-of-the-art wig and beauty salons based in the cancer centre at Royal Stoke and at County Hospital.  Whilst cancer treatment undoubtedly saves lives, the side effects can have a huge impact on a patient’s appearance.  Salon staff can assist in hair loss management, hair replacement and hair recovery. Services and treatment include manicures and pedicures to help minimise the effects of chemotherapy on nails, reflexology and Indian head massage. The salon also offers a range of headwear and products.

Post-surgery exercise videos
This video is available for patients undergoing breast surgery. The exercises are important as they can help to reduce shoulder stiffness and lymphoedema after having a breast operation:

Post-operative exercises

Who is a breast care nurse?
A breast care nurse or key worker is a specialist nurse who is trained to provide patients, their families and carers with information, physical and psychological care and support. They will give practical advice from diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and beyond.

When will you see a breast care nurse?
Breast care nurses are present at all key consultations in a patient's cancer journey and they help to coordinate care-accessing specialties. They play a key supportive role in the pathway of care for patients undergoing investigations, diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer.

What can a breast care nurse do for me?
Anyone affected by breast cancer should be able to access support from a breast care nurse. If you would like a copy of your initial consultation, your results and your treatment plan, your breast care nurse will coordinate this for you. If required your breast care nurse can facilitate referrals to additional support services such as psychology and physiotherapy.

How do I contact a breast care nurse?
Breast cancer patients are given the name and contact details for their individual breast care nurse (key worker) and should wherever possible see and speak to that nurse. If your nurse is not available, someone else will be able to help you. You can contact the nurses on 01782 674077 Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm. If you have an urgent enquiry out of hours and have been a recent in-patient, please contact the ward you were discharged from. If not, please contact your GP.

What is Open Access Follow Up?
Open Access Follow Up (OAFU) is a new type of follow-up which has been introduced nationally to improve patients' follow-up journeys. It is offered to most patients after their initial treatment of breast cancer.

Why was this introduced?
The new guidelines have been introduced nationally to enhance patient care. It has been found that patients on the traditional follow-up pathway of 6-12 monthly clinic visits often do not report new symptoms until their next clinic appointment, which can delay diagnosis of cancer recurrences.  It has also been reported that most cancer recurrences are picked up by surveillance mammograms or by patients between their routine appointments.

When will I receive this appointment?
You will receive this appointment approximately three months on completion of your treatment. This may be after your surgery (if you do not need any further treatments) or following radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination of the two. You will be seen in clinic by a qualified professional for an end of treatment review.

Where can I find more information about the OAFU?
A detailed booklet about OAFU will be given to you at the end of your treatment.

When should I call the OAFU advice and support line?
Once you have entered the OAFU, you should call the OAFU team if you have concerns about any of the following issues:

 . your on-going hormonal treatment
 . possible side effects from your chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment
 . problems related to your original breast surgery or questions about breast reconstruction
 . new changes in your breasts, chest wall region, neck or under your arm
 . new symptoms that could represent a possible recurrence of your breast cancer

Will I receive a follow-up appointment if I call the OAFU advice and support line?
You will be contacted by a qualified professional following your phone call. If an appointment is necessary, we will make sure this is arranged within 14 working days. If required, further investigations may be organised and an outpatient appointment arranged. Sometimes, verbal advice may replace the need for an outpatient appointment and may be supported by a written letter to you and your GP.

How do I contact the OAFU advice and support line?
You can contact us on 01782 674077. The telephone service is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm. If your call is not answered immediately, please leave a short message on the answerphone and the team will contact you by the end of the working day or the next working day.

If you are having breast surgery, your surgeon may discuss the option of having combined breast cancer surgery with plastic surgery, which is commonly called 'oncoplastic surgery'.

Oncoplastic procedures are carried out to improve the cosmetic outcome following cancer surgery. These are offered to patients undergoing breast conservation (lumpectomies) or mastectomies.

If you are having breast conservation, your surgeon will discuss the options of local perforator flaps which involve taking tissue from the area outside (but close to) the breast to fill in the defect from the lumpectomy. The various types of flaps are:

  • Local perforator flaps
  • LTAP
  • TDAP

Further information will be available in the information booklet provided to you during consultation.

If you are advised to have a mastectomy your surgeon will discuss the option of having whole breast reconstruction, which can be done at the same time as the mastectomy (immediate reconstruction), or at a later date which can be months or years after your cancer surgery (delayed reconstruction).

If you have decided to have reconstruction, your surgeon will assess you, review your medical history and overall health and explain which reconstructive options might be best for you based on your health, body type, lifestyle, goals and other factors. In some cases, breast reconstruction may not be an option due to other health issues and your surgeon will advise you about this.

Breast reconstruction can be performed using your own body tissue (autologous reconstruction) or using implants. Each option has its own complications.

Click here for more information.

Breast reconstruction using implants
Using a breast implant is one option for reconstructing the shape of your breast. Breast implants can be placed over the muscle (pre-pectoral) or under the muscle (sub-pectoral). If you are having implant-based reconstruction, your surgeon will discuss the type of implant that will be used. In most immediate reconstructions, a silicone implant is used but you may have a staged procedure for which an expander may be used as a first step. The expander is an inflatable breast implant designed to stretch the skin. Once the expander has stretched enough, more surgery is done to remove the expander and replace it with a permanent implant.

Breast reconstruction using your own tissues (Flap Procedure)
A tissue flap procedure (autologous tissue reconstruction) is one way to rebuild the shape of your breast after surgery. These procedures use tissues from other parts of your body, such as your tummy or back. Tissue flaps generally behave more like natural breast and may get smaller or bigger as you lose or gain weight.

In general, flaps surgery has a longer recovery period than breast implants and can result in multiple scars; one from where tissue was taken (the donor site) and one on the reconstructed breasts. The most common types of tissue flaps are:

Latissimus Dorsi Flap
A latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction involves using muscle from the back. For this procedure the surgeon transfers the muscle, fat, skin and blood vessels from the patient's back to the front of their chest. This type of reconstruction can sometimes be used with an implant.

The DIEP Flap uses fat and skin from the lower tummy. This method uses a free flap, meaning that the tissue is completely cut free from the tummy and then moved to the chest. This requires the use of a microscope (microsurgery) to connect the tiny blood vessels.

More information on types of breast reconstruction can be found here.

Further operations
After breast reconstruction it is not uncommon to require a further adjustment procedure after the initial operation to improve the shape and size of the breast. These can be in the form of adding fat to the breast (lipomodelling), the exchange of an implant and/or reducing the other side to provide symmetry. Nipple reconstruction is often the last step in breast reconstruction, which is followed by tattooing of the areola. Information on different procedures carried out after breast reconstruction can be found here.

If you are at a high risk of developing breast cancer, your specialist will discuss with you the option of having early breast screening or risk-reducing treatment. The type of screening will depend on your age and your level of risk.

Men are not offered risk-reducing treatment even if they are gene carrier or at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. This is because even though their risk is increased, it is still less than women in the general population.

Risk-reducing treatment includes tablets which are given for up to five years. The type of drug which offered depends on the menopausal status. Women who are classed as high risk are also offered surgery to remove both breasts (bilateral mastectomy). This procedure reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by 95% but does not completely eliminate the risk. Women undergoing risk-reducing surgery are offered reconstruction at the same time as a mastectomy. Your surgeon will discuss these options with you if you decide to opt for risk-reducing surgery.

More information on management of high risk patients for breast cancer can be found here

Local contact numbers

Breast secretaries
Royal Stoke University Hospital   01782  679907-8        
County Hospital   01785 230161

Breast Care Nurses   01782 674077

Self-Managed Pathway helpline   01782 674077

Breast imaging department  01782 674200 
(for mammogram appointments)                    

Prosthesis fitting
Royal Stoke University Hospital    01782 674201
County Hospital   01785 886010

Lymphoedema Service
Royal Stoke University Hospital   01782 676688
Katharine House Hospice   01785 270870                                                                                                                     

Physiotherapy Service
Royal Stoke University Hospital   01782 676560
County Hospital   01785 230203

Fresh Hair Wigs and Beauty
Royal Stoke University Hospital   01782 672727
County Hospital   01785 230306

Breast Sreening Unit North Midlands   0300 1231463         

MacMillan Cancer Information and Support Centre   01782 676333 (County 01785 236075)

Staffordshire Cancer Support Programme   01782 844036

Disability Solutions
(for benefit advice)   01782 638300


National numbers

Breast Cancer Now   0808 800 6000

Citizens Advice  0344 111 444

National Breast Screening   020 3682 0890

Look Good, feel better workshops   01372 747 500

Lymphoedema Support Network   020 7351 4480

MacMillan Cancer Support   0808 808 00 00

Marie Curie Cancer Care   0800 0902309

Medicines Information Service   0121 424 7298

NHS Cancer Screening Programme   0114 271 1060

Burntwood Support Group

Meets on the third Wednesday of every month

Burntwood Memorial Institute
Rugeley Road

Pauline Walker 07779102272
Linda Griffith 07796122828                                                                                   

Butterflies Support Group       

Meets every month at 7:00pm

Stafford Constitutional Club Ltd
5 Lloyd Stress
ST16 3SA

Alison Smith 01785 660193, mobile 07522986272


Pinfold Pink Support Group

Meets on the third Tuesday of every month

Penkridge Fire Station
Boscomoor Lane

Janet Peel  01785 711124
Joan Proctor 07922006126
Margaret Hodson  01785 713090


Pink Sisters

Meets on the second Monday of every month
7:00pm - 9:00pm 

The Bridge Centre
Birches Head Road
Stoke-on Trent

And also at:

1 Sandon Road
Stoke on Trent

Jackie Mackenzie


Terrible Titties Support Group    

Meets on the first Wednesday of every month
7:00pm - 9:00pm

Stafford Rugby Club
Blackberry Lane
ST16 2TT

07366 923048


The Local Breast Surgery and Mastectomy Support Group 

Meets the second Tuesday of every month

Church of Nazarene
Smithpool Road
Stoke on Trent

Betty 01782 388977
Mary 01782 634056
Jean 01782 329427


Meets on the third Monday every month
4:30pm - 6:00pm

Breewood Medical Centre
Kiddermore Green Road
ST19 9BQ

Tina Gibbon


The Optimists Breast Cancer Support Group

Meets on the third Monday of every month

Moorlands Hospital
Ashbourne Road
ST13 5BQ

Ann  01298 83362
Doreen 01538 360958


Dr Apurna Jegannathen

Consultant Oncologist

Dr Daljit Gahir

Consultant Oncologist

Dr Elizabeth Gunning

Consultant Radiologist

Dr Saba Bajwa

Consultant Radiologist

Dr Zatinahhayu Mohd-Isa

Consultant Radiologist

Dr Lisette Hammond

Consultant Pathologist


Miss Sadaf Jafferbhoy

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon

Mr Sankaran Narayanan

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon

Mr Sekhar Marla

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon

Mr Soni Soumian

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon


Rachel Bayley

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse Specialist

Natasha Holloway

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse

Caroline Wheat-Laffin

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse

Ellena Hill

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse

Paula DaCostaIbraimo

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse

Hayley Simpson

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse

Elizabeth Mellor

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse

Lynne Scott

Macmillan Breast Care Nurse

Sally Nixon

Breast Nursing Assistant