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Breast screening feedback

Breast Screening Feedback Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. It will be used to further improve the services that we deliver to patients.

Which screening unit did you attend?

Were you happy with the location of your appointment?

Did you find the appointment letter easy to understand?

If you did not find the appointment letter easy to understand, please tell us why
Did you feel you were treated with respect? Overall, did you feel you were treated with respect and dignity during your visit?

Was your procedure explained? Did the person taking your x-ray explain the procedure to you before it took place?

Please describe how the X-Ray felt?

Were you told when you would receive the results?

What is your opinion of the staff during your visit? Tick as many answers as you wish

Do you feel that if you had any special needs, they were met?

Why did you attend your appointment? What prompted your decision to attend your breast screening appointment? Choose as many reasons as you like.

When would you prefer to attend a breast screening appointment?

Please select your age

Do you have of the following long term conditions? e.g. asthma/COPD/cancer/HIV/Diabetes/Chronic heart disease/epilepsy

What is your ethnic group?

If there was a particular member of staff who deserves a special mention, please tell us their name