Dr Hazel A Smith

Qualifications: BSc(Hons); MSc; PhD
Hazel is the Senior Health Researcher and Deputy for Research in CeNREE. This is a joint role between UHNM and Staffordshire University where Hazel is Associate Professor of Maternal and Child Health. Hazel previous roles include Research Coordinator in Children’s Health Ireland, Crumlin, Ireland; Adjunct Lecturer in Paediatrics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Adjunct Research Follow, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin, Ireland and Senior R&D Manager (Research Ethics Governance and Support Services), Strategy and Research, Health Service Executive, Ireland.
Hazel is Past Chair, and sits on the executive committee, of the Irish Research Nurses & Midwives (IRNM) Network as well as the UK-Clinical Research Facilities Network Theme 3, the Research Committee of the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses and the Chief Nursing Officer for England’s Policy Network. Hazel was previously a member of Ireland’s Children’s Health Ireland Nursing Research Committee.
Hazel is an awarded winning researcher (findings implemented into clinical practice), investigator for international and national studies and supports home grown research (mentoring both staff and students). Hazel is co-author on the ‘The Whitehouse Report: Review of research nursing and midwifery structures, strategies and sharing of learning across the UK and Ireland in 2017’, sponsored by the then Chief Nursing Officer for England, Jane Cummings. Hazel is a published author and reviewer for medical, nursing and midwifery journals. Hazel also reviews grant applications and sits on the HRA’s London – South East Research Ethics Committee.