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Clinical Haematology

​University Hospital's clinical haematology department provides a range of treatment and support services for adult patients from North Staffordshire and central and Mid Cheshire. We treat patients suffering from a wide range of blood disorders including cancers such as myelomalymphoma and leukaemia.  We also treat patients with a variety of non-cancerous blood conditions.

We employ a multidisciplinary team who treat and care for you throughout your journey. Any patient who is diagnosed with a blood cancer is discussed within a multi-disciplinary team consisting of haematologists, radiologists, histopathologists and the clinical nurse specialists.  Having the input of staff from a variety of clinical backgrounds helps give a rounded, complete view of each patient's case, and therefore results in better care.

We understand the complex emotions and pressures that come with a cancer diagnoses and the subsequent treatment. We therefore take every measure possible to ensure you are made as comfortable as possible during your treatment. 


Ward 201 has up to 22 beds for haematology patients who need to be admitted for treatment. Many patients on the ward are receiving inpatient chemotherapy treatments, but treatments for non-cancer conditions such as haemophilia are also provided on the ward when necessary.  Outpatient treatments are provided on the haematology day unit or chemotherapy day unit on ward 202.

Thanks to some generous fundraising there is a day room where patients can relax in peace.  The room is named after Darren Bailey, a former patient. 

The Trust has an accredited stem cell collection and transplant facility. This service delivers a procedure that is used to treat myeloma and lymphoma. The procedures are carried out by our clinical nurse specialists and other nurses on the wards.

We have a dedicated trials nurse, who is a member of the oncology trials team.  She provides valuable assistance in the opening of new clinical trials within the department and also in the administration of trials already running.  Clinical trials can involve testing new procedures, drugs, or pieces of equipment, and their effects on the improvement of the patient's condition. They are important because they help us to assess progress and therefore produce better care based upon the results.

The staff on Ward 201 have a wealth of experience in looking after haematology patients. The clinical nurse specialists on the ward provides patients and their families with support, information and advice. Within the department they oversee the quality of the service and provide teaching sessions for staff.

Consul​​tant Haematologists

Dr S Aung
Dr D Chandra
Dr P Dyer
Dr P Ferguson
Dr J Graham
Dr K Karunanithi
Dr N Phillips
Dr S Pillai
Dr D Sutton
Dr G Tarkovacs (based at Leighton Hospital, Crewe)
Dr T Yin​​

Consultant​ Clinical Oncologist

Dr D Gahir

Working with the consultants is a team of junior doctors, some of whom are training in haematology.

Clinical Nurse Spe​cialists/Advanced Nurse Practitioners

There are 6 Specialist nurses within the team with their own specific areas of practice:
Carol Broadhurst - Nurse Practitioner for Leukaemia
Ian Chamberlain - Advanced Nurse Practitioner  for Lymphoma
Claire Forrester - Nurse Practitioner for Haemophilia
Angela Salmon - Advanced Nurse Practitioner for blood transfusion
Michelle Forrester-Amoako - Research Nurse for clinical trials
Jennifer Keiher - Nurse Practitioner for Myeloma
Adelle Moran - Clinical Nurse Specialist for transplant coordination
Deb Sumner - Nurse Practitioner for Anaemia​

Ian and Carol's role is to act as your keyworker once you have been diagnosed with a haematological cancer such as Leukaemia, Lymphoma or Myeloma. Each nurse specialises in a specific area as detailed above. However, they do cover each other's leave and are able to provide support for you whatever your diagnosis is.

Your keyworker will be available to take you through each step of your journey and are dedicated to providing you with a personal service. They are there to provide relevant information on your condition, explain your treatment, and answer any questions you may have. They work in partnership with other clinical staff to ensure that, where appropriate, referrals to other services, such as local community cancer and palliative care teams, are made.

Through Ian and Carol you will be able to access:

 - Up to date clinical information
 - Practical advice and answers to your questions
 - Emotional, physical and psychological support
 - Referral to other services (if appropriate) such as community groups
 - Help in supporting you through treatment decisions

You can also discuss a variety of issues including:

 - Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
 - Benefits/financial entitlement/Prescription exemptions
 - Other support services including social services, home and hospice care
 - Emotional and psychological support and counselling
 - Symptom management
 - Travel insurance
 - Medications
 - Local and national support groups

Giving you as much or as little help as you require, Ian and Carol can offer guidance, support and counselling. They have a wealth of experience in dealing with patients on a personal level and understand that every patient has different needs.

They work from Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00 and are available to speak to either by phone or in person on these days. An answer machine service on 01782 672550 is available for when they are not in; if you leave a message they will return your call as soon as possible.

Your relationship with the team will likely begin upon diagnosis or soon afterwards. This may be whilst you are in hospital on either the inpatient or outpatient units where you are being treated. However, they are also available to speak to over the phone whenever you feel the need to talk about pressing and sensitive issues.

Contact information for Ian Chamberlain and Carol Broadhurst

Telephone: 01782 672550          
Pager: 01782 715444 and page 15778


Allergy and clinical immunology clinics are held in outpatients 3 in the main building (01782 676676) and Stafford outpatient department.

This accredited specialist allergy service provides diagnosis, advice and management for patients with anaphylaxis, food allergy, hay fever symptoms (not responding to conventional therapies), bee and wasp allergy, drug allergy and allergy symptoms of unknown cause.  Diagnosis is mainly based on the details of the allergic reaction, but sometimes allergy testing is useful and that can be done on the same day if patients are not taking anti-histamine (so please stop 3-5 days before the appointment).  It can sometimes be useful to bring suspected foods, especially fruit and vegetables, to help with testing.

For people with very severe hay fever symptoms and severe reactions to bee and wasp stings we can offer immunotherapy.

Contact dermatitis such as rashes due to nickel and hair dye is best seen by dermatology.  Eczema is associated with a tendency to have allergies, but dietary changes are rarely helpful and referral for allergy testing is unlikely to be useful.

Further information about allergies is available at

Clinical Immunol​​​ogy

This specialist service is for people with primary immunodeficiency.

Further information about primary immunodeficiency is available at


Consultant:         Dr Sarah Goddard

Allergy nurse:    Angela Cooper


Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Centre 

Members of the North Staffordshire local haematology support group are happy to be contacted directly on: 07530784537 or 07530784539.


Myeloma UK
Myeloma UK

Leukaemia Research
Leukaemia Research

Cure Leukaemia
Cure Leukaemia

International Myeloma Foundation
Tel: 0800 980 3332 

Leukaemia CARE
24 hour Free phone CARE line 08088 010 444
Main office number is 01905 755977

Lymphoma Association
Helpline: 0808 808 5555 (Mon-Fri: 9-5pm)


Haematology is based on Wards 201 and 202 at the Royal Stoke University Hospital which is on Newcastle Road, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire,ST4 6QG. 

Ward 201:01782 672201          
Ward 202:01782 672642 (day unit) 

Clinical nurse specialist: 01782 672550 (for general advice for haematology patients. The clinical nurse specialists are available 08.30am-16.00pm Monday-Friday)