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Diabetes Specialist Nurse Team

Who we are:

Royal Stoke University Hospital diabetes team brings together consultants, diabetes specialist nurses, dietitians, podiatrists and talking therapies, all of whom specialise in the care of adults 17+ living with diabetes. Depending on your needs, you may be seen by several of our health care professionals. you will have access to all of the services and further specialist clinicians if your condition requires.

What we do:

We work with people living with diabetes to explore health needs and to help understand and manage your diabetes in the best way possible. According to your need and preference we can offer 1-2-1 appointments in person, by phone or by video call. We also offer group education sessions either in person or by video. During your appointment we will discuss with you the available treatment options available and the next steps.

If necessary, you may also see a dietitian or be offered group education. Dieticians can help you manage and improve your blood sugar levels as well as give you more confidence and knowledge to manage your diabetes.

As we know that living with diabetes can be really difficult, the talking therapies team offer time-limited mild to moderate emotional support. Some of the presenting difficulties may include adjusting to a diagnosis of diabetes, managing medication and needles, relationship to food and eating behaviours, anxiety around hypoglycaemia, diabetes distress and burn out, sexual difficulties, low mood.

You can self refer to this service via the website:

We offer appointments in person, by video or telephone. We also offer educational groups for people living either with Type 1 Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. Our groups are small and friendly either in person or by video.

Depending on need you'll be seen by any one or more of our team. You could be seen by a specialist nurse, a consultant, a podiatrist, a healthcare assistant, and/or  a dietician.

Clinical reviews for diabetes and its complications include:

  • blood tests for HbA1c (your average glucose management); cholesterol level checks, kidney function tests (blood and urine) these are often booked through your GP or when you attend outpatient appointments
  • weight and height measurements, to calculate body mass index (BMI)
  • annual blood pressure checks
  • annual foot examinations
  • eye screening, provided by National Diabetic Eye Screening (0300 303 0887)
  • smoking status check-in

  • lifestyle advice including drugs, alcohol, travel, exercise, diet and sick day rules
  • hypoglycaemia awareness
  • diabetes and driving
  • emotional and psychological support, including support with any sexual problems
  • Carbohydrate counting courses
  • if you are planning a pregnancy
  • In-hospital reviews

How can I access this service?

You will need to be referred by your GP to the hospital service to be eligible for our service.

Opening times for the diabetes specialist nurse team

We are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

Waiting times:

We will aim to see those who are triaged as ‘Urgent’ within 10 working days and those that are triaged as ‘routine’ within 8 weeks of referral.

Contact details:

If you are supported by the service and have a query about your care you can contact us by phone or email - call 01782 222969 during our office hours or email us at

As we are not an emergency service if you require urgent help please contact your GP, 111, A&E or call 999.