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Anorectal Manometry

Anorectal Manometry

Patient Information Leaflet

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Your Specialist has recommended that you have an anorectal manometry test to investigate your symptoms.

You will be asked to attend Royal Stoke Hospital Endoscopy Unit.

Your appointment

Expect to be in the unit for up to 1 hour approximately.


If you call to cancel your appointment, you will need to provide:

· Your full name.

· Date of birth.

· Date of your test,

· Contact telephone number.

You are advised to discuss with your Doctor the implications of not having this procedure.


What is an anorectal manometry test?

An anorectal manometry test measures the pressures in the back passage (rectum) by using a fine tube (catheter).

The test will show how good the muscle function is in controlling bowel motions and wind.

Please be assured that we will make every effort to ensure your privacy and dignity is maintained during the test.

You do not need to be sedated for this test.


What are the benefits and risks to an anorectal manometry test?

The test helps to investigate symptoms and be able to treat them. The test does have its risks but major and serious complications are rare.

This test will be discussed with you and any risks identified before you sign the consent form.

These can include some bleeding but this should resolve quickly and is rare.


Preparation instructions

Day of the test. · No special preparation is necessary. You should, if possible, have a bowel movement before coming for the test. · You can eat and drink as normal.


What should I bring on the day?

 · If you are diabetic please bring your insulin or tablets.

· Your prescription medication.

· Your reading glasses so that you can read the consent form.


When you arrive

Please report to the Endoscopy Reception. You will be greeted by a Physiologist and then:

 · You will be asked several questions about your health and current medication.

· You may be asked to sign a consent form.

 · Please talk to us about any worries or concerns that you may have.


What about my medication?

You may continue to take your prescribed medication as usual.

Your anorectal manometry test

The test will take place in a clinical room.

· You will be asked to undress from the waist down and you will be provided with a sheet to cover yourself. Please be assured that we will make every effort to ensure your privacy and dignity is maintained during the test.

· You will need to lie on your left side.

· Each stage of the procedure will be explained to you as it happens.

· Your level of comfort will be monitored.


During your test

· A small tube (catheter) will be placed into your rectum.

· You will be asked to squeeze in tight with the muscles around your bottom and hold for 5 seconds. This will be done 3 times with 30 seconds between each maneuver.

· You will then be asked to do one long squeeze.

· This will be followed by 2 strong single coughs.

· Next you will be asked to bear down as if you are opening your bowels 3 times for 15 seconds each time.

· The rectal sensation test will be carried out you will be asked when you first feel the balloon inflate, when you feel the urge to empty your bowels and the 3rd sensation is the maximum you can tolerate before you have urgency. The balloon will be deflated.

· A balloon is fixed to the catheter this will be inflated with a small amount of air. This is to look for a reflex.

· The catheter will be removed.

· Another catheter with a balloon fixed to it will be inserted into the rectum and filled with 50ml of water. You will then be asked in the sitting position to push the balloon out. You will do this behind a screen in private. This may not need to be done if you have had a test called a proctogram.


After your test

You should be able to drive home or work immediately afterwards.

When will I know the results?

The results will be sent your Consultant in charge of your care. A copy will also be sent to your GP.

The Consultant will give you a diagnosis and discuss any further treatment if required at a future appointment.


Concerns or questions

For further advice please contact the Endoscopy Unit between 8am and 5pm Monday to Thursday:

Endoscopy Unit Tel: 01782 675715

Please leave your contact number, full name, date of birth and date of your procedure as this is a voicemail facility. We will return your call as soon as possible.

Sources of information and support

Bladder and Bowel Foundation Email:

Website: www.bladderand Website :


Free Bus Service

There is a free shuttle bus service between Royal Stoke and County sites.

Members of the public who wish to use this service are required to pre-book their journey in advance:

Shuttle Bus booking line Tel: 01782 824232


How to find us

County Hospital (formerly Stafford Hospital), Weston Road, Stafford, ST16 3SA. Tel: 01785 257731 Endoscopy Unit is on the ground floor. Royal Stoke Hospital, Newcastle Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 6QG. Tel: 01782 715444 Endoscopy Unit is on lower gr