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Audiomed Communicator instructions

Information for patients

Audiomed Communicator instructions

A guide to using the AudioMed communicator to aid hearing loss

For queries about the Audiomed Communicator or to obtain more batteries please contact the
Audiology department on:

01782 674727

The AudioMed communicator should be used as a temporary solution to aid hearing only while hearing aids are being prescribed or cannot be worn.

Pull down on the lip at the bottom of the control box. Insert the battery “flat side” facing upwards and close the drawer.

The listener has 3 controls – 0 for OFF, 1 for ON and 2 for TONE.

To turn the listener on, move the switch upwards.

Take care when increasing the volume to not cause loudness discomfort to the patient.

Once turned on, insert the earpieces into the ears and adjust them until it is comfortable for the patient.

Adjust the position of the tips in the ears until it is whistle-free.

The volume wheel is located on the side of the box.

Rotating the wheel upwards increases the volume and downwards decreases the volume.

Remember to:

  • Turn the communicator off when it is not in use to preserve the battery life. Do this by moving the switch to the bottom position.
  • Clean the earpieces at regular intervals using a dry cloth.
  • If the communicator does not switch on, change the battery.

Staff information

It is vital that patients understand their health conditions and can give informed consent to treatments.

If you have a patient who appears not to be able to hear, or who usually has hearing aids but they have been lost /delayed, then you can access these communicator devices for loan through the Hearing and Balance department.

Please contact: and type ‘communicate’ in the subject box.

Alternatively, if you wish to purchase your own, they can be cleaned
and reused. You can also purchase changeable ear inserts to comply
with infection prevention.

Further information can be found here.