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Lung MDT

Once you have your tests they will need to be discussed in The Lung MDT (multiple disciplinary team)

This meeting happens every Monday unless it is Bank Holiday and it will be deferred to the Wednesday. The MDT will meet together to discuss the results of these tests and plan your treatment.

They will consider a number of things, including:

  • If this is a cancer or likely cancer
  • If cancer the type and size or whether it has spread
  • your general health
  • national treatment guidelines for your type of cancer.


Different types of healthcare professionals at this MDT meeting include-

  • Surgeon – a doctor who specialises in a specific cancer type and does operations.
  • Oncologist – a doctor who specialises in treating cancer with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy  and other cancer drugs.
  • Pathologist – a doctor who studies cells and body tissues.
  • Clinical nurse specialist – an expert nurse who specialises in a particular area of health, such as cancer or a specific cancer type.
  • Radiologist – a specialist in x-rays and scans


Following the Lung MDT you will be updated with Results and treatment Plan in Lung Cancer clinic by one of the Respiratory Doctors. If you require any further tests you may be contacted by one of the Lung CNS via telephone to prevent any delays in your pathway