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Meet the team

Dr Khan: Lead Lung Cancer Clinician

Dr Bikmalla: find out more about Dr Bikmalla here

Dr Haris: find out more about Dr Haris here

Dr Ganaie: find out more about Dr Ganaie here

Dr AbiMusaAsa'ari

Mr Ghosh

Miss Abah

Miss Srinivasan

Mr Mahendran

Dr Jegannathen

Dr Sivaramalingam

Dr Devleena

Dr Sivoglo

Dr Raza

Dr Yucel-Finn

Dr Abdelmoteleb

Dr Gey Van pittius

Dr Sundararajan

Dr Hemali

Navigators assist patients and their advocates, GPs or carers by answering questions, helping with appointment bookings and accessing local support services. They support patients across the full treatment pathway, now including during radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. They can also provide emotional support and help to find support provided by other organisations, such as charities and a patient’s local authority. They are part of the multidisciplinary team supporting individual patients, and ensuring joined-up care.

The Macmillan cancer navigators are the first and single point of contact for all questions and queries. They will listen to you, establish what needs to happen, assess who else needs to be involved and take responsibility for ensuring the right outcome. The navigators work closely with the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) teams, so if someone affected by cancer calls with a clinical question, the navigators ensure that a CNS returns their call.

The Macmillan cancer navigators will help guide each person with cancer through their health service journey from detection, to diagnosis, through treatment and beyond.

They are delivering on Macmillan’s commitment to ensuring that no one should face cancer alone.                                               

Lesley-Anne Byrne

Lung Cancer Care Navigator

As lung cancer clinical nurse specialists, we provide support, information and advice throughout

your care. One of us will be assigned to you as your key worker and advocate. We ensure your

care runs smoothly and provide a confidential service where you can discuss your worries and/

or concerns with us.

What support can we offer?

We can support you by:

  • giving advice and support during tests, after diagnosis and throughout your care
  • assessing and addressing your needs and concerns
  • giving you time to talk confidentially about any questions, needs or concerns you may have
  • providing you with current and up-to-date information about lung cancer and its treatment
  • giving you information and contact details of local and national cancer services, workshops

and support groups

  • providing you with personalised information to promote your health and wellbeing
  • giving you and your family emotional support
  • talking to other health care professionals and services to make sure you receive the right

care at the right time

  • making sure you have information about any financial support you may be entitled to

How to Contact us: We work 8.30-4.30 Monday to Friday and have a helpline during these hours and an answerphone message outside these hours.

Please call: 01782 674065


photos of team