Dove bereavement care service |
TEL.NO. 01782 683155 |
TEL.NO. 01782 433204 |
Perinatal mental health
The perinatal period is the time from conception until two years after childbirth. Becoming a parent/carer can be an exciting, rewarding, and challenging time. It’s not unusual to experience a range of emotions which can impact how we think and feel. There are lots of things that can help how we feel, please see the information/links below with advice around how to look after your emotional wellbeing in pregnancy.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is a charity campaigning and working in child protection in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands. |
TEL. NO. 0808 800 5000 24 HOURS |
Mind is a Mental Health charity in England and Wales. Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems. |
TEL. NO. 0300 123 3393 MON-FRI 9AM-6PM |
Cruse Bereavement Care is a bereavement charity, which provides free care and bereavement counselling to people suffering from grief. |
TEL. NO. 0800 808 1677 MON-FRI 9AM-5PM |
Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide, through their telephone helpline. |
TEL. NO. 116 123 24 HOURS FREE |
A free service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation. |
TEL. NO. 00808 2000 247 24 HOURS FREE |
Victim Support is an independent charity that provides specialist practical and emotional support to victims and witnesses of crime. |
TEL. NO. 0808 168 9111 24 HOURS |
Support for victims of honour based violence or forced marriage. Support for victims/those at risk and professionals. |
UK HELPLINE TEL.NO. 0800 5999 247 MON-FRI 9AM-5PM Email: If women are in immediate danger, they should call 999 |
National support organisation for antenatal and postnatal depression and anxiety, as well as other perinatal mental illnesses. |
HELPINE TEL.NO. 0808 1961 776 MON-SUN 11AM-10PM |
Support for women with birth trauma/PTSD after birth. | FACEBOOK SUPPORT GROUP |
Education, awareness, support. | ources/mums-and-families/ |
Information for you
Symptoms can include:
- constant worrying
- Persistent low mood
- Tearfulness
- Irritability
- Not wanting to do things you normally enjoy
- Difficulty sleeping
- Loss of appetite
- Feeling of being disconnected for your baby
If you are experiencing mild or moderate symptoms talking to your:
- GP
- Local Voluntary Sector
- Talking Therapies
- Midwife
- Health Visitor
Occasionally some parents can experience more severe symptoms of mental ill health, this can include thoughts of self-harm or thoughts of suicide. If this happens to you make sure you get support and talk to someone about how you are feeling.
Stoke 0800 032 872
Stafford 0808 196 3002
Some birthing parents feel worried about talking to professionals about their emotional wellbeing as they are concerned social services will be contacted. Most parents with a mental health condition do not need any additional support from Social Care. Your midwife would always discuss extra support with you first if they felt this may be helpful.
If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy its common to worry about your medication and the effect, it could have on your baby. However, it’s also important to keep emotionally well in your pregnancy so please don’t stop taking your medication without speaking to a doctor first.
The BUMPS Website has information about the use of medicines in pregnancy and may be useful to look at:
Your midwife may offer you a referral to The Bridge Team, The Bridge Team is a team of three practitioners who can offer you an appointment to discuss your emotional wellbeing, offer support/advise and signposting to community groups locally, Talking Therapies and Specialist Services. This appointment can be offered as face to face within your local Family Hub or as a telephone contact according to your individual preference.
The Bridge Team can support with a Birth Care Plan which is an individualised care plan to be added into your maternity records for professionals to refer to and can support you on your pregnancy journey. If you are already under a Community Mental Health Team, the Bridge Team can support with interagency working and care planning.
Hi, we are the Bridge Team. I’m Anna-Maria Perinatal Mental Health Nurse/Midwife Lead at UHNM, Rebecca Stokes is our Perinatal Mental Health Midwife and Sarah Bingham is our Perinatal Mental Health, Health Care Support worker.
Our clinics are held with the Family Hubs and Rebecca and Sarah may also visit you at your home for additional support.
Emotional Wellbeing after birth
Over half of all birthing parents will experience what is referred to as the “baby blues” symptoms can include feeling tearful, irritable and overwhelmed. It’s experienced due to the sudden hormonal and chemical changes in the body after childbirth. It can last for several days after having a baby and normally settles naturally.
For more information about the baby blues please look at the information available
Wellbeing Resources for parents
The NHS has lots of information/advise about keeping well in pregnancy. Mental health problems and pregnancy - NHS
5 steps to mental wellbeing suggests there are 5 simple steps you can take to improve your wellbeing. 5 steps to wellbeing -5 steps to mental wellbeing - NHS (
A healthy diet in pregnancy is important not only for your own wellbeing but it helps baby to grow and develop. Have a healthy diet in pregnancy - NHS
Keeping up with your normal daily physical activity for as long as possible isn’t dangerous for baby and can help us feel good. Exercise in pregnancy - NHS
My active Pregnancy provide free information around keeping physically active in pregnancy Active Pregnancy Foundation Home | Active Pregnancy Foundation
The Tommys Pregnancy and Post-Birth Wellbeing Plan is a free resource to help you start thinking about your emotional wellbeing. The pregnancy and post-birth wellbeing plan | Tommy's
Mind- Offering free information and support around mental health and wellbeing 0300 1021234 Home - Mind
Parental groups and support – Family Hub Offering free groups and support for all the family. A Perinatal Peer support worker is based at the Hubs and holds a coffee morning drop-in session for support.
Mothers Mind- Offer a 16-week wellbeing programme, Wellbeing and Holistic Therapy Workshops, Peer Support, drop-in sessions.
Just Family- Provide one-to-one support, Parent Work Shops, Support for Dads, Advocacy and Mentoring. Services - Just Family CIC - Wellbeing for Children, Parents & Families
Stafford Family Hub offer a range of free groups, including First Aid Courses and Simply Play Baby PEEP Courses. Staffordshire Connects | Stafford Family Hub
Andy’s Man club is a Men’s suicide prevention charity providing free peer support. Andy's Man Club | #ITSOKAYTOTALK | Andy's Man Club
Port Vale FC, Vale Park, Gate C (white building), Hamil Rd, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 1AW
Foley Meir Football Club, Whitcombe Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 6AU - Opens 13th January
Dove is a Charity in Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire, providing services to people within the community from the age of 4+ who are experiencing issues relating to bereavement, loss or life-changing illness. Bereavement Counselling and Support | The Dove Service
Talking Therapies – All parents are prioritised until their child is 18 months old. Talking Therapies
Savana- Free counselling and support services within Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire for anyone who has been affected by sexual violence and abuse from the age of 4 upwards. SAVANA - The Survivors Trust
Staffordshire Community Perinatal Mental Health Team provides specialist assessment and support for people across South Staffordshire, providing both support to those people experiencing mental health difficulties and those at risk of developing mental health difficulties up until a year after baby's birth
The Lotus Maternal Mental Health Service provides specialist assessment, treatment or signposting to other services for people across South Staffordshire, providing support to those in our local community to access treatment and care if they have experienced loss, distress, Tokophobia (the fear of pregnancy), or trauma during their maternity journey.
The Lotus Team North Staffordshire provides mental health support for those living through fear of childbirth, birth trauma and baby loss.
Parent and Baby Unit PBU- The Parent and Baby Unit is a Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service supporting parents experiencing new and recurring mental health problems.
Asist- Offering Advocacy services in Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire
Beat- provides chat rooms, helplines and resources for people with an eating disorder.
Petals- Supporting parents following baby loss Petals, The baby loss counselling charity - Petals Charity
PANDAS- Offering online resources, a free helpline and peer to peer support for all parents affected by perinatal mental illness.
Mind- Support and information for anyone experience mental illness.
Anxiety UK National charity helping people with Anxiety - Anxiety UK
03444 775774 / text service: 07537 416905 /
Birth Trauma Association- Support for women with birth trauma/PTSD after birth.
Every Mind Matters- Advice, tips, and personalised actions to help if you are feeling stressed, anxious, or low. Every Mind Matters - NHS (
Action on Postpartum Psychosis - Support and advocacy for parents affected by postpartum psychosis
Mental Health Foundation - Provides information and resources to help you look after your own mental health
Lullaby trust - The Lullaby Trust - Safer sleep for babies, Support for families
Wellbeing and coping. - Provides information and advise on how to feel a bit calmer and cope -
BUMPS- Best use of medicines in pregnancy
Parent-Infant Relationship Resources
Parent-Infant Relationship Resources:
Getting to know your baby videos from The Association of Infant Mental Health (AiMH) have been designed to help parents and carers know how to support their baby’s development.
The Brazelton Centre- How your baby communicates leaflet for new parents, helping them see how their newborn baby is communicating with them through his/her behaviour, encouraging more confident and responsive care. It is available in several different languages. Resources – Brazelton Centre UK
Emotional Wellbeing Support Section for new dads, partners and non-biological parents
New dads, parents and non-biological parents can also be affected by mental ill health in the perinatal period, it’s important you talk to someone about how you are feeling and know there is support available for you too.
Dads Pad- Free essential guide for Dads developed by the NHS
Dads Matter- free online support to empower fathers with resources, and a platform to advocate for their rights and their children’s well-being.
Just Family- Provide one-to-one support, Parent Work Shops, Support for Dads, Advocacy and Mentoring. Services - Just Family CIC - Wellbeing for Children, Parents & Families
Andy’s Man Club- Free men’s peer support group for those aged 18+ Find your nearest group | Andy's Man Club
Talking Therapies – All parents are prioritised until their child is 18 months old. Talking Therapies
Crisis Care Centre 0800 0328 728 (option 1)
South Staffordshire Access Team 0808 196 3002
Shout- Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 for free 24/7 support for anyone in crisis
Samaritans- Free confidential support 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You can call on 116 123, email at
Papyrus- support for anyone under 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide.
Campaign against living miserably
The Stay Alive can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for smartphones and tablets. The Stay Alive app by Grassroots Suicide Prevention - Grassroots Suicide Prevention