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Ward 206

Postnatal Discharge Information

01782 672206

Before you leave the ward your midwife will:

•       Carry out a postnatal examination on you and your baby

•       Ensure that your baby has had Vitamin K

•       Ensure that the Newborn Infant Physical Examination  and hearing screen have been completed  or are arranged and that you have a Red Book to take home for baby

•       Ensure that a BCG vaccination has been requested if required

•       Ensure that any follow up required for yourself or your baby is in place

•       Ensure that you have been reviewed by a doctor if necessary and that you are medically fit for discharge

•       Liaise with the neonatal team to ensure that your baby is medically fit for discharge if they have required any neonatal input during your stay

•       Ensure that you have any medication you require for discharge

•       Confirm your discharge address and telephone number with you

•       Complete relevant documentation

Please be patient while the midwife completes all of these tasks. There is no set discharge time on the Ward and many factors influence how long this process takes.

Registering the birth of your baby is a legal requirement and you will receive a fine if this is not completed. 

You have 6 weeks (42 days) from delivery to register the birth.

Appointments can be made online:


By telephone: 01782 235260

Registration takes place at: 

Stoke Civic Centre

Glebe Street


You do not need to take anything with you to this appointment.

If you are married one parent can attend, if you are not married both parents need to be present to have their name on the birth certificate.

If you do not live in Stoke On Trent you may make a declaration of birth at your local register office, this will be sent to Stoke On Trent Registration Services and you will receive a birth certificate via the post within 8 weeks.

•       Please contact your GP surgery to register your baby with a GP as soon as possible.

•       Once you have registered your baby with a GP you will receive a joint appointment at 6-8 weeks where the GP will review you both. The NIPE examination will be repeated and you will receive contraceptive advice at this appointment.

•       Please be aware that you are highly fertile following pregnancy and you can ovulate at any time, therefore it is recommended that contraceptives are commenced as soon as you feel ready to resume a sexual relationship. This may be prior to the 6-8 week appointment.

•       If you require a postnatal smear test then this can be arranged for 3 months following the birth of your baby.

  Your community midwife will contact you the day after you go home between the hours of 8am-3pm.

  This will be a home visit.

  If you have not received a visit by 3pm please contact:

                Midwife Birth Centre – 01782 672200

Follow up will then be on an individual basis but all babies will have an appointment on day 5.

  Your Health Visitor will make contact you within 2 weeks of your baby being born to arrange to visit you at home.

  The Health Visitor will discuss the information in your red book, including the immunisation schedule and will continue to monitor your child's develoment from 0-5 years of age.

If you have any concerns about yourself you can contact MAU for up to 42 days postnatally on:

  01782 672300

If you have any concerns with your baby please contact:

•       Community midwife

•       111

•       GP

•       Health visitor

•       999 in an emergency

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

•       A DVT is a blood clot that usually develops in the leg

•       You are at an increased risk of developing a DVT in the postnatal period

•       If you experience any of the following symptoms please seek immediate medical attention:

•       Pain, swelling and tenderness in one of your legs

•       Warm skin in the area of the clot

•       A heavy ache in the affected area

•       Red skin, particularly at the back of the leg, below the knee

You can reduce your risk of developing a DVT by keeping active, elevating legs, wearing compression stockings and keeping hydrated


Smear Test

•       All women over the age of 25 should be offered a smear test every 3 years to check the health of your cervix and test for cervical cancer

•       It is important that you have a smear test if you are due one following the birth of your baby but not before 12 weeks postnatal due to normal changes to your cervix during this time

•       If you require a smear test and do not receive an appointment 12 weeks after the birth of your baby please contact your GP surgery


Breast Awareness

  Pregnancy hormones put you at an increased risk of developing breast cancer

  It is important that you check your breasts regularly and see your GP with any of the following symptoms:

  Lumps or bumps that don’t go away

  Change in the size or shape of the breast

  An area that dimples, puckers, ripples or looks dry

  Any discharge from the nipple that you don’t think is related to breast milk

The following important symptoms require review by the GP/HV/111/Community midwife:

•       High pitched cry

•       Floppy

•       Pale all over

•       Grunting with each breath or breathing faster than normal

•       Not interested in feeding

•       Less wet nappies

•       Bulging or depressed fontanelle (soft spot on top of baby's head)

•       High fever or sweating

•       Vomiting blood or passing blood in stools

If your baby has two or more of the above symptoms or you feel that your baby needs urgent medical attention please call 999

The following important symptoms require urgent medical review, please call 999:

•       Stops breathing or goes blue

•       Is unresponsive and shows no awareness of what is going on

•       Has glazed eyes and unable to focus

•       Cannot be woken

•       Has a seizure

•       Vomits bright green fluid

•       Has a non blanching rash

Recommendations to reduce the risk of cot death:

•       Keep baby in the same room as you for the first 6 months of life

•       Always place baby on their back in the cot

•       Feet at the bottom of the cot

•       Do not allow anyone to smoke in the same room as the baby

•       Keep head uncovered in the home – no hat

•       Avoid tight swaddles as baby needs to be able to free arms from blanket to cool down

•       Do not share a bed with your baby if you or your partner smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs or are very tired

•       Do not fall asleep with your baby in your arms or next to you on a sofa

•       Ensure baby is up to date with immunisations

•       Breastfeeding reduces the risk of cot death

•       If your baby is unwell, SEEK PROMPT MEDICAL ADVICE

Further information is available at:        and

  Baby should be in a car seat when travelling in a vehicle

  Car seat should be rear facing and placed where there is no airbag

  Do not put baby in front seat of car unless airbag is turned off

  If you are travelling for long periods (2 hours or more) please take regular breaks and take baby out of car seat

•       Coats should not be used in car seats as the harness may appear tight but there will be a large gap between the straps and the chest.

•       You can use blankets over the straps to keep baby warm in the colder months.

You should be confident with your chosen method of feeding before being discharged from the hospital.

•       You will be provided with leaflets containing feeding advice and information including the Mothers and Others Guide.

•       Your midwife will discuss your chosen method of feeding with you in detail.

Breastfeeding Support


Formula Feeding Support

  First stage formula is advised for the first 12 months of life

  Pace feeding is recommended and will be explained while you are in hospital

  Further information can be accessed via:

  Responsive feeding where you respond to the cues of the baby and if breastfeeding, your own desires to feed is recommended.

  All babies should feed 8-12 times in 24 hours

  A baby should not be allowed to go for more than 4 hours without a feed

Signs that your baby wants to feed include:

  Facial movements

  Mouth opening


  Rooting or sucking fingers

  Turning head

Your baby will show these signs of wanting to feed before they start to cry because they are hungry.

Babies Cry, You Can Cope!


I- Infant crying is normal and it will stop

C- Comfort methods can sometimes soothe the baby and the crying will stop

O- it's Okay to walk away if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you

N- Never ever shake or hurt a baby

•       You are highly fertile and can get pregnant immediately after the birth of your baby.

•       Breastfeeding is not a reliable form of contraception.

•       The following are reliable forms of contraceptives:

•       Contraceptive injection

•       Condoms

•       Implant

•       Femidoms

•       Oral contraceptive pill

•       Intrauterine device

Your GP, community midwife, health visitor and local sexual health clinic can provide you with more information and advice regarding which is the best option for you.

  If you have stiches to your perineum or abdomen you will receive information on caring for your wound.

  Practising good hygiene, keeping the area clean and dry will reduce the risk of infection.

  Your community midwife will monitor the healing of any stitches.

  Contact your GP if you notice any signs of infection, including:

  Wound gaping

  Discharge coming from the wound

  An offensive smell

  New onset pain

  The pelvic floor muscle provides support for your pelvic organs, helps with bowel and bladder control and supports your spine.

  Pregnancy puts strain on this muscle and weakens it.

  It is important that you start to regain tone in this muscle through pelvic floor exercises.

  You will receive a leaflet that explains how to locate your pelvic floor muscle and how to perform the exercises.

  The perineal clinic at UHNM can be contacted on Thursdays for non urgent perineal concerns on:

                                01782 672120 / 01782 672119

  Women who have given birth in the past 6 weeks are in a high risk group for sepsis.

  This risk is higher in women who have continued vaginal bleeding or who had prolonged rupture of membranes (your waters went early during pregnancy).

  If you have any of the following symptoms contact your GP, 111, community midwife or MAU and express your concerns about sepsis:

  Severe abdominal pain and tenderness

  Signs of infection from a wound

  Heavy or offensive bleeding

  Hormone changes following the birth of your baby can cause feelings of being overwhelmed, tearful, irritable and low in mood.

  In the first week this is often referred to as the ‘baby blues’ and will usually only last for a couple of days.

  Postnatal depression affects approximately 1 in 10 women and is extremely distressing.

  If you experience ongoing symptoms please speak to your community midwife, health visitor or GP as soon as possible to get the help and support that you need.