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Older Adults

When am I going home? It’s ok to ask.

Once you have had the care that you need in hospital, research shows that going home will help you get better much faster.

If you need it, we will provide extra help for you at home or close by, to make sure you’re continuing to get better.

At the moment, you’re in hospital and, like most people, you would like to go home as soon as possible. That’s why when you start feeling better, you can expect us to make decisions together to get you home and back to your own routine.

This means getting back to doing the things that really matter to you such as making a cup of tea when you want, looking after your garden, or being with your loved ones or pets.

At the end of the day nothing is better than your own bed Good sleep is important for recovery. At home, you will have the comfort of your own bed, without the noise and clatter of a busy hospital.

And a steady routine is important
Being in hospital can make it easier to just stay in bed, but lying down all day makes your muscles weaker. The longer you stay in a hospital bed, the harder you may find it to get up and about as you get better.

So it’s really important that we work together to get you home when it is safe to do so.

By asking questions, sharing information and following the advice of the doctors and nurses looking after you, we can help you get ready to go home quicker.

Working together to get you home safely

Here are a few ways that we can work together to aid your recovery. Please feel free to ask any questions along the way. You can expect us to:

1. Make decisions with you
We will talk with you about when you might be able to go home and make sure we discuss what is important to you. We will do our best to answer any questions or worries you may have about leaving hospital.

2. Think about your care after your hospital stay
After staying in hospital, some people need extra help when they go home. We will talk about the help you might have already and any extra help you might need.

Once we understand this, we will talk together about your options. We want to make sure that, after you leave the hospital, you’re going to the best place for your recovery – this will probably be your own home.

3. Involve your family or carers
Where appropriate, and with your consent, we will involve your family or carers in making decisions about your health and care. You might find it helpful to include
them in our discussions.

Sit Up, Get Dressed, Keep Moving

You can prepare yourself for going home by staying as active as possible while you are in hospital. Moving around, whether in or out of bed, helps to strengthen your muscles and keep your body strong. It will help you get better faster and also means that you will have less chance of problems when you go home. We will provide any help and support you need.

Tips to keep you active:
• Sit up for meals, and when you have visitors, either in bed or on a chair.
• Wash and dress every morning in your normal clothes.
• Walk around the ward – please use your walking frame, walking stick or other mobility aid if you need to.
• Move around in bed and change position often, especially if the doctor or nurse thinks that you should stay in bed. Ask them what exercises you can do such as moving your legs and ankles.
• Keep your mind active by reading a book, listening to music or doing a puzzle.

If you need extra help, or have any worries or concerns, please ask your doctor or nurse. We are here to help.

It’s important you understand what your friend or family member can do to help themselves get better, what is going to happen next with their care, and when they are likely to return home. If they give us permission, we will make sure you have full information on their diagnosis, medication and any follow-up care that is needed.

We know that you might need to provide extra care and that you might need support too. Your friend or family member may need:
• Emotional support like helping someone manage anxiety or mental health;
• Help with housework like cooking, cleaning or other chores;
• Personal support like help moving around, washing, eating or getting dressed;
• Assistance with getting essential items like medicine or food; or
• Help to manage money, paid care or other services.

That’s why we will work together to ensure you have the support you need. If you’re not able to care, and/or need help to do so, then you have a right to a carer’s assessment to have your
needs considered too. Check what your council or local authority can offer.

Find their websites using the online postcode tool at

It’s important you understand what your friend or family member can do to help themselves get better, what is going to happen next with their care, and when they are likely to return home. If they give us permission, we will make sure you have full information on their diagnosis, medication and any follow-up care that is needed.

We know that you might need to provide extra care and that you might need support too. Your friend or family member may need:
• Emotional support like helping someone manage anxiety or mental health;
• Help with housework like cooking, cleaning or other chores;
• Personal support like help moving around, washing, eating or getting dressed;
• Assistance with getting essential items like medicine or food; or
• Help to manage money, paid care or other services.

That’s why we will work together to ensure you have the support you need. If you’re not able to care, and/or need help to do so, then you have a right to a carer’s assessment to have your
needs considered too. Check what your council or local authority can offer.

Find their websites using the online postcode tool at

Sit Up, Get Dressed, Keep Moving