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Sit Up, Get Dressed, Keep Moving

Our ‘Sit Up, Get Dressed and Keep Moving’ campaign aims to help healthcare professionals recognise the long term effects of deconditioning, implement simple measures to prevent it, and educate patients and carers about the importance of remaining active during hospital admission and following discharge.

In recent years ‘deconditioning syndrome’ has gained increased recognition among the medical community, aided by ‘Sit Up, Get Dressed and Keep Moving’ and the related campaign #EndPJparalysis. Research has shown that during hospitalisation, between 30% and 55% of older patients show a decline in the ability to perform routine activities such as bathing, getting dressed and toileting, and up to 65% of hospitalised older adults experience a decline in ambulatory function.

These changes can lead to a loss of independence and the need for residential care. Deconditioning syndrome is also associated with a variety of physiological effects including pneumonia, skin breakdown leading to pressure ulcers, constipation, incontinence, depression and an increased risk of falls.

A number of ‘Sit Up, Get Dressed and Keep Moving’ resources have been created including an educational poster and pull-up banner for display in hospitals, a leaflet for patients explaining the benefits of staying active, and illustrated guides outlining chair and bed-based exercises aimed at maintaining and gaining muscle strength, improving blood circulation, helping mobility progression and supporting overall recovery.

These resources are designed to be simple, accessible, and relevant to all health professionals regardless of role, specialty, or previous experience and can be downloaded from our website. 

In light of the lasting impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on NHS services, and evidence that maintaining physiological function and reserve can contribute to the fight against the mental and physical consequences and severity of the virus, it is more important than ever to encourage older people to ‘Sit Up, Get Dressed and Keep Moving.


Leaflet (When printing, select print as booklet and booklet subset should be set as ‘both sides’)

Bed Exercises (When printing, select print as booklet and booklet subset should be set as ‘both sides’)

Chair Exercises (When printing, select print as booklet and booklet subset should be set as ‘both sides’) 

Pull up banner