About us:
At the Eye Care Centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital and County Hospital, we offer a comprehensive range of both general and sub-specialty Ophthalmology clinics, addressing a wide spectrum of eye conditions and visual concerns.
We provide expert care for patients of all ages, with a dedicated emergency eye service available to address urgent eye care needs. Our commitment is to deliver the highest standards of care, always ensuring patient safety and well-being.
Our highly skilled and multi-disciplinary Eye Care Team includes experienced Ophthalmologists, Orthoptists, Optometrists, Nurses, and dedicated technical and support staff, all working collaboratively to provide the best possible care.
Understanding the complexity of the eye, we recognise that different conditions require specialised care. Many of our clinics are sub-specialised, ensuring that when you attend an appointment, you are seen by an expert in the specific area of your eye care needs. With access to a range of diagnostic services and tests, our team works together to assess, diagnose, and manage your eye condition effectively and with the utmost expertise.
Our eye care service is based across our two sites; the primary centre is at Royal Stoke University Hospital, and at County Hospital.
The Eye Care Centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital is situated in the Main Building, Ground Floor. Please follow the yellow signs to the Eye Unit.
The Eye Care Centre at County Hospital is situated in the Main Building, Ground Floor. Please follow the signs to the Outpatient and/or Pre-assessment Department.
Contact Us:
- We have a main number of 01782 676001. This line will help direct your call to the department you need.
However, if you have a query regarding an outpatient appointment, please contact:
- Ophthalmology Telephone Room on 01782 676767
Compliments and Complaints
If you wish to provide feedback to us, please visit the Patient Experience and PALS | University Hospitals of North Midlands where you will find information on how to submit your compliment or complaint.
The department is well equipped with the latest technology, allowing us to deliver consultations and operations at the highest possible standard.