Depending on the type of test, results can be available within an hour; or may take up to 8 weeks. Most in-house tests are done the same day – this includes things like urea and electrolytes, liver function, thyroid function, adrenal function and pregnancy tests. We do large numbers of these tests every day, so it makes sense to have them available throughout the day.
Some tests aren’t done very frequently. These are often tests requested by specialists, or follow-up tests after an initial set of results. We often do these tests as a ‘batch’ – this means we process a number of patient samples on one day, and then don’t do them again for a week or so. This means results can take 2-3 weeks to come through. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong – it’s just that some analyses take longer than others to perform.
Finally, some tests are processed at other laboratories. The test may require a particular piece of equipment, special expertise to perform, or it may simply be cost-effective to process samples from multiple hospitals at one site. These tests often take 6-8 weeks for results to come back, as samples need to be sent from our lab, processed and analysed at the referral lab, results posted back to us, and we put them on the system. However, if anything urgent is identified by the referral lab, then they will telephone us, and we will inform the relevant doctors as soon as possible.