Anticoagulation Management
Staffordshire Thrombosis and Anticoagulation Centre (STAC) provides oral anticoagulation management for approximately 8,500 patients across Stoke-on-Trent, North Staffordshire and Stafford and Surrounds.

The majority of these patients are managed in one of 40 designated INR community clinics. These community clinics are run by the Trusts Biomedical Scientists and Associate Practitioners. The anticoagulation service also provides telephone warfarin dose advice to housebound patients once the INR samples are received into the laboratory via the district nurses/nursing home staff.
STAC has a medical team which comprises of Clinical Director Dr Deepak Chandra and Consultant Haematologist Dr David Sutton and an Anticoagulation Registrar. STAC also employs a team Anticoagulation Nurse Specialists (ANS) who provide anticoagulation management advice 365 days a year in various hospital based clinics and ward visits.
What can the STAC team provide for my patient in hospital?
Once a patient is referred to the service the following can be provided:
Induction and counselling for patients who are to be commenced onto warfarin and continued dose advice during their in-patient stay.
Induction and counselling for patients who are to be commenced onto DOAC and follow-up review arranged as appropriate.
Assist in facilitating an earlier discharge date by ensuring adequate anticoagulation follow-up is planned.
Advise warfarin dosing for patients already established onto warfarin throughout their in-patient stay.
Provide out-patient clinic appointments for patients being discharged who are already under the care of STAC.
Will ensure the patient/relative/carer has a full understanding of anticoagulation dose advice on discharge with follow-up.
Review on the ward on the next working day
Telephone advice to support discharge (with completed referral)
Arrange review at Thrombosis and Anticoagulation MDT if clinically required.
Provide a review (at least annually) of all patients under the care of STAC to ensure Anticoagulation is appropriate.
Switch to alternative Anticoagulation as appropriate.
Provide clinical advice through a dedicated bleep held by STAC Registrar
Review on the ward on the next working day.
More information on the Staffordshire Thrombosis and Anticoagulation Centre can be found here
Contact information for the team can be found here