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Cancer antigen 15.3

About This Test

Department: Biochemistry


  • Gel/clotted (yellow/red top)

Add-on requests are accepted


Turnaround Time:

72 hours


Tumour marker used to monitor response to breast cancer treatment and detection of recurrence.

CA15.3 is only of value for treatment monitoring of advanced breast cancer and should not be used in isolation for diagnosis, it is rarely elevated in patients with local breast cancer. Elevations may also occur in benign liver and breast disease and other advanced adenocarcinoma.

Reference ranges:

Age range Reference ranges (kU/L)
All ages (females only) 0 - 30

Derived from Cancer and Clinical Biochemistry (ACB Ventures publication, July 1997)

Results outside the reference range do not necessarily indicate disease. Similarly, results within the reference range do not preclude abnormality. Please contact the Duty Biochemist for discussion of individual patient results.

Other Comments:

For more information, please see the following: CA15.3 - Lab Tests Online