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Dip-stick urinalysis

About This Test

Department: Point of Care


Enough depth for dip-stick


Turnaround Time:

At point of care

Other Comments:

Sample type: Early morning urine or Midstream urine collected into a white topped sterile container. Antimicrobial agents such as Nitrofurantoin and gentamicin as well as Boric acid (Red-topped container) can adversely affect the leucocyte esterase test on the dipstick urinalysis.

Negative nitrite result only reliable on urine left in bladder for at least 4 hours (EMU). Should keep lid tightly closed on test strip pot at all times. Do not dip frankly blood stained, or strongly pigmented urine (send to lab).

When to dip and what to do next? Please refer to 'Urinary Tract Infection Testing Pathway' for flowchart.