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Haemoglobinopathy Screening

About This Test

Department: Haematology


EDTA (purple tube).

A full blood count (FBC) must also be requested as this assists in the identification of any abnormality found.

Please request iron studies, including ferritin and transferrin saturation with all requests unless recently evaluated.


Turnaround Time:

Provisional results available within three working days.

For the identification of abnormal haemoglobin fractions e.g S, C, D,  and the Thalassaemia syndromes.

Patient must receive counselling before test is requested.

Please provide any relevant family history and family origin information.

Other Comments:

Reference ranges:

Hb A2:                  1.0 - 3.5%

Hb F (adults):       <1.5%

Accepted range for Hb F in pregnancy:    <10%

The laboratory is not able to provide interpetive comments for neonates, please refer to Paediatric Haematology for advice.