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High vaginal swab (routine)

About This Test

Microbiology, Virology and Molecular Microbiology


High vaginal swab


Turnaround Time:

2-5 days

Culture for common pathogens including Trichomonas vaginalis and microscopy for bacterial vaginosis

Other Comments:

Collection container : Amies swab with charcoal

Special instructions - Relevant clinical data and details of recent or current antimicrobial treatment should be provided:

Cervical and high vaginal swabs should be taken with the aid of a speculum. It is important to avoid vulval contamination of the swab. For Trichomonas, the posterior fornix, including any obvious candidal plaques should be swabbed. If pelvic infection, including gonorrhoea, is suspected, the cervix should be swabbed. Separate samples should be collected into appropriate transport media for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis or herpes simplex.

Specimen transport: If processing is delayed, store at ambient temperature, DO NOT refrigerate.