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HIT screen

About This Test

Department: Blood Transfusion


6ml clotted (Red top) sample required.

Must be accompanied by HIT screening form.


Turnaround Time:

Maximum 5 working days.

Discuss urgent requests with laboratory.

Other Comments:

For the detection of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia.

Clinical Haematology should be informed for all susepcted cases of HIT.

**Requestor must complete HIT screening form**

Analysis may not be required if the risk score is low, clarify with Clinical Haematology. Intermediate or high risk scores should be reported to Clinical Haematology as soon as possible.

Send sample and form to local laboratory.

Sample will be referred to the National Blood Service for analysis.

See the NHSBT H&I User Guide for more information or contact the Blood Transfusion laboratory.