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Nose swab

About This Test

Department: Microbiology, Virology and Molecular Microbiology


Swab in White topped Copan E swab for MRSA, charcoal swab for fungal or other bacterial pathogens



Turnaround Time:

1-3 days

Refer to UHNM screening policy for pre-operative and admission screening

Refer to MRSA screen for methicillin-resistant Staph aureus testing


Other Comments:

Special instructions - Please state specific reason for sampling. Provide details of any underlying condition which may lead to immunosuppression. If fungal pathogens required please indicate clearly on request.

Please note: nasal swabs are not suitable samples for Bordetella species

Specimen transport: Transport to laboratory as soon as possible. If transport is delayed, refrigeration is preferable to storage in ambient temperatures