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Tissue transglutaminase (TTG)

About This Test

Department: Immunology

Requirement: Patient must be following a gluten containing diet (gluten present in 1 meal per day) for at least 6 weeks prior to sample testing for antibodies to be present.

Turnaround Time: 5 days

If the result is negative provided the patient is not IgA deficient and is on a gluten- containing diet, coeliac disease is unlikely. A positive result supports a diagnosis of coeliac disease, duodenal biopsy is recommended prior to gluten withdrawal. If results are inconclusive then duodenal biopsy is recommended if clinically appropriate. IgA TTG may be falsely positive, especially in liver disease.

Other Comments:

Positive result = > 20 CU. Equivocal result = 20 -30 CU.