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Nebuliser Service

The nebuliser service is part of the Respiratory Physiology Department, spread over both sites (Royal Stoke and County).
A nebuliser converts a solution of a drug into a fine mist which is then inhaled. Nebulisers use compressed air to break up the liquid drug to deliver the dose you need. We provide several services to Respiratory patients under the care of our consultants requiring home nebulisers such as:

•    Yearly loan nebulisers – a nebuliser compressor is loaned to you for 5 years. This is the main service we provide. These are physically checked every year in the department and returned to you on a rolling basis for 5 years. At the 5-year service appointment, the machine will be exchanged for a new piece of equipment.
•    Provision of consumables lasting for 12 months to use with the nebuliser loaned to you.
•    Holiday loan nebulisers on request – smaller portable nebulisers that can be used for holidays.
•    Training and education.

You will be sent a letter in 12 months’ time providing an appointment for you to bring the nebuliser back to us for its annual check. The machine loaned to you will be checked over by one of our technicians, and you will be provided with all consumables required for another year when you attend this appointment.

The service appointment does not take very long, and you do not have to attend the appointment yourself—a relative or friend can bring the nebuliser to the appointment on your behalf. Please ring if you cannot attend your appointment or wish to re-arrange it.

We have appointments available at both sites Monday to Friday 8.30am-6.30pm.

Royal Stoke University Hospital Patients: 01782 675455 

County Hospital Patients: 01785 877544

If we do not answer your call, please leave a clear message stating your name, hospital unit number (if available), and your date of birth

Please see the Contact Us page for directions to the hospital and department

Philips InnoSpire Deluxe

This is a compressor. Wipe over inside and out, with a damp cloth ensuring that all electrical wires are intact. Inlet filters to be changed every 6 months. Needs mains electrical supply – lead attached.

Philips InnoSpire Mini

This is a compressor. Wipe over, with a damp cloth ensuring that all electrical wires are intact. For short term use only (up to 2 weeks of heavy use). Rechargeable battery. Portable when charged.



This is a compressor. Wipe over inside and out, with a damp cloth ensuring that all electrical wires are intact. Inlet filters to be changed every 6 months. Needs mains electrical supply – lead is separate. Do not forcefully push the lead in as can bend the electrical components.

Pari LC PLUS Filter

This is a mouthpiece that turns your liquid
medication into very small particles that you can then breathe into your lungs. These particular mouthpieces are used for nebulizing antibiotics and steroids. They contain a filter pad, which protects others and the environment around you from the medication – this pad needs to be changed after every use. Wash the mouthpiece in warm soapy water (excluding the tube), rinse and air dry after each use.


Intersurgical Cirrus™2 Nebuliser Mouthpiece

This is a mouthpiece that turns your liquid
medication into very small particles that you can then breathe into your lungs. These are the standard mouthpieces used for nebulizing solutions. Wash in warm soapy water (excluding the tube), rinse and leave to air dry after each use.


Inlet Filters


This is the filter that cleans the air you breathe during your treatment. They can get dirty over time. Change every 6 months or when visibly dirty.


The department is open Monday – Friday between 08:30 and 16:30.  If your nebuliser breaks and we are not open (e.g. weekends and bank holidays), and you urgently need a replacementt; please ring ward 222 to arrange an out of hours machine on 01782 676222.

Ward 222 holds a small stock of machines that can be used in these circumstances.
You will be asked to come to the ward to collect a replacement machine. Do not take the broken equipment to the ward with you. On the next day that we are open, please ring the helpline. We will arrange for you to come to the department with BOTH machines (out of hours and broken) where we will swap your machine for new with consumables for another year.

If your consultant would like you to start nebuliser therapy, a request will be sent to the Nebuliser Service team. We will prepare you a compressor with consumables to last you for a year. This compressor is loaned specifically to you. The outpatients department will then contact you to arrange a suitable appointment to start your nebuliser treatment. You will be asked to come to the outpatients department for a nebuliser trial. 

This will involve administering the medication yourself, setting up your mouthpieces, and working the compressor. The nurse will provide some basic cleaning and service information. The nurse will watch you having your first dose of nebulised medication whilst taking your observations, such as your oxygen levels and pulse. If you have any questions or need extra support, please speak with the nurse at your appointment who will be happy to help.


Letters are sent out yearly to check nebulisers. We are not taking the machine off you, it is purely an equipment check to ensure all the machines are working well and you have the consumables you need.

Yes, anyone can bring your machine to be exchanged.

Please ring us to arrange collection of new tubing. Alternatively, we can post tubing out to your home too.

These pads can only be obtained from the hospital. Please ring us to arrange collection of more filter pads. Alternatively, we can post pads out to your home too.

Nebuliser: Every 6 months (2 kits are given each year). Sometimes more are needed, especially if your solutions are thick.

Pari LC Plus Filter: Every 12 months

Inlet Filter: 6 months (Date of change will be noted in your machine lid)

Filter Pads: After every use

Ensure that your sidestream kits are well cared for and washed every day. If it is taking a long time to nebulise your solutions, try a new kit. If it is still taking a long time then please ring us so we can arrange exchange as your machine may not be working properly.

Mon-Fri 08.30-16.30: Ring us and we will arrange an appointment to exchange

Out of hours: Ring Ward 222 to arrange use of the out of hours service (01782676222). This will require you to come to the hospital and pick up a short term nebuliser. On the next working day, please ring us and we will arrange an appointment to exchange the broken nebuliser PLUS return the short term loan.

Please ring us to let us know that the machine is no longer required so that we can update our records. The equipment then needs to be returned to our department at your earliest convenience so that it can be serviced and loaned out to another patient in need.

Yes of course. Please ring us to arrange a holiday loan. We need a couple of weeks’ notice. We will ask you to come to the department to collect the machine a few days before you go away. It is a good idea to use the machine at home as a practice run before you go on holiday. We ask that you return the machine within 5 days of returning from your holiday as supply of these machines is limited.

Please ring us as soon as possible so that we can arrange an appointment that is convenient. We need to check the compressors every year to ensure they are working safely and efficiently; and provide you with new consumables every year. If an appointment is missed or the machine is overdue a service we will send a letter to advise this.

Firstly, check your equipment is plugged in and switched on. Change your mouthpiece to a fresh kit if you can. If this does not rectify the problem, check the compressor doesn’t sound different to normal. Hold your finger over the machine outlet where you normally attach the tubing to see if you can feel air coming through. If the machine sounds different or isn’t producing as much air as normal, please ring us so that we can arrange exchange.

Your GP should prescribe your medication for you. If you have been started on a nebuliser in hospital, a letter will have been sent to your GP advising them of your new medication. If you are still having problems obtaining more medication for your nebuliser despite speaking with your GP, please contact your consultant’s secretary who will be able to help you further.