County- 01785 230203, Royal Stoke 01782 676570 for out-patient occupational therapy and out-patient physiotherapy enquiries)
Jane Teasdale: Divisional Therapy Manager
Noeleen Hellis: Divisional Therapy Manager
The Therapies team is made up of the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy departments.
Occupational Therapy involves helping patients to develop, recover, or maintain their daily living and work skills, providing equipment and facilitating support for patients upon their discharge. Physiotherapy aims to improve or maintain a patient's mobility and quality of life through rehabilitation, respiratory care, advice and education within a range of different conditions.
Opening hours
Weekend services
County- 01785 230203, Royal Stoke 01782 676570 for out-patient occupational therapy and out-patient physiotherapy enquiries)
Jane Teasdale: Divisional Therapy Manager
Noeleen Hellis: Divisional Therapy Manager
Clare Johnson: Head of Therapy Services County Hospital
The Therapies department provides integrated care to patients within a wide range of services, provided at University Hospitals across both County and Royal sites.
These include:
Across all the allied health professions, support workers make a significant contribution for service-users and service delivery.
The support workforce is defined as qualified but unregistered staff that provide care and support for patients and clients, working under supervision and within agreed guidelines and protocols.
In the NHS they are typically employed in Agenda for Change bands 2, 3 and 4. Support workers should be able to work at the top of their scope of practice safely and effectively, be integrated into teams, and be able to progress their careers.
AHP support workers can be involved in a range of tasks, often dependent on the allied health profession(s) they are working with; this may include supporting older people to stay in their homes by assessing and providing minor adaptations and equipment, helping people rehabilitate following major surgeries and supporting people with their care plans.
Patient information
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