This is a voluntary organisation providing information and support to anyone in North Staffordshire with a disability. They offer a free, impartial and confidential service, providing information, advice and support. Issues that they deal with include:
Disability and other welfare benefits & rights.
Discrimination, housing problems, access, transport and travel, leisure activities and holidays, education and employment, rehabilitation and training, voluntary organisations and their work, local welfare services, legislation, reports and other literature, radar toilet keys.
The service operates as a telephone helpline, and aims to ensure that people with cancer, their families and carers are aware of all the services and help that may be available to meet their needs.
Contact details: North Staffordshire Medical Institute, Harsthill Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST4 7NY
Telephone 01782 638300
Website (Currently being updated)