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When you Arrive

If you are coming into hospital to have an operation, you may be asked to attend for a health assessment up to 6 weeks before you are due to be admitted. You will be sent a letter inviting you to the appropriate assessment unit. When you arrive you will have a few simple tests and a chance to talk to a doctor or the nursing staff.

You will be met by one of the nursing staff who will give you an identification band with your name and hospital number on it. Please wear it at all times while in the hospital. The nurse will also ask you a few simple questions and complete some paperwork. Please tell the staff if you:

  • Are taking any medicines (prescribed or complementary). The Pharmacy team will confirm your usual medicines with you when they visit you on the ward.
  • Have a problem with income support or social security benefits
  • Are receiving day care services such as home help or district nurse
  • Have money or valuables to be kept in safe keeping
  • Would like to bring in your own TV, radio, music player or other electrical equipment
  • Have any disabilities or sight/hearing impairments
  • Have any special needs e.g. diet
  • Have any dependants (or pets) that require assistance
  • Anticipate any problems or require support when you are discharged home

At the point of admission, we want to ensure that your discharge from hospital is planned and arrangements made so that you do not need to stay in hospital any longer than your condition and treatment require. The nurse will show you to your room/bed, show you round the ward and explain the facilities.

All staff will try to make your life in hospital as normal as possible. For instance, you will be asked by what name you prefer to be called and you will be able to sleep until 8:00 am unless you need any treatment before then.

Visitors are an important part of the healing process for many patients. In order for visiting to remain a positive experience and in the best interest of patients some limitations are required on the hours of visiting, the numbers of visitors and who may visit. This is to ensure that patients have adequate rest and there is time to undertake care and treatment. Click here for more information about visiting times.

As mentioned in the 'Preparing to come into Hospital' section, it is a good idea to have one nominated member of the family who will make both telephone contact and liaise with staff so that lines of communication remain clear and do not get confused. ​