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Central Outpatients Department (COPD)

Our Vision

Our vision is to deliver high quality places that are inspired by the historic setting of Hartshill. We aim to establish new residential communities that carefully knit into the existing neighbourhood. Our proposals include green spaces, swales and tree lined streets connecting the sites to the surrounding areas and providing amenity spaces for the wider community.

Active movement

Our proposals will create a network of attractive and well-designed streets, encouraging sustainable travel by making it easy to use public transport, walk and cycle. We will deliver new cycling and walking infrastructure to provide access across the developments and link into adjacent areas through the existing footpath and cycleway network.


Our proposals will create a high quality, inclusive and safe built environment that responds to the local landscape character and historic environment. The proposals will draw from and build upon the character of Hartshill, with buildings that are adaptable to changing requirements over a lifetime. Our proposals will provide a wide range of housing and tenures to meet the needs of the area.


Our proposals will create a low carbon development that optimises passive design strategies with energy efficient systems and renewable energy generation. We will improve opportunities for wildlife through a robust approach to surface water drainage and enhancing the existing landscape. The proposals will improve access to green spaces, for the enjoyment and health of all.