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Constraints and Opportunities

Built Environment

The site currently includes large areas of hard surfacing left following the demolition. No buildings have been retained, but some structures associated with parking remain. These will be removed as part of the development proposals.

Landscape and Ecology

There is limited ecology on the site, reflecting the former site use. A number of mature trees and hedgerows
can be found along the site edges at Thornburrow Drive and at the western edge of the site. These features will be retained and enhanced where possible.


There is a level difference of approximately 13m across the site. There are currently some significant level changes in the north of the site, where retaining walls divide parking areas. The regrading of the site is an
important part of the masterplanning approach.


A number of utilities run through the site, including a gas, water and electrical cables. There is a single substation located on the northern edge of the site. The utility routes do not constrain the site and can be moved /removed to respond to the development proposals.


Access to the site will be from Thornburrow Drive and Ashlands Avenue. An existing access drive connecting
the site to the north provides a connection to Hartshill Road. New internal streets will be constructed within the site, alongside walking and cycling routes.