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Constraints and Opportunities

Built Environment

The site currently includes large areas of hard surfacing left following the demolition. Three buildings have been retained:

  • The Headquarters building of the former
    North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary;
  • The former gatehouse (Windsor House), a non-designated heritage asset; and
  • A late 20th century building which is not of heritage significance and would be demolished as part of the proposed development.

Landscape and Ecology

There is a woodland copse to the south which is of ecological interest and will be retained as part of the proposals. A number of mature trees and hedgerows can be found across the site, especially along the periphery. These features will be retained and enhanced where possible.


The site lies on a high point in the area. The former North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary building sits near the top of the hill, with long views over the surrounding area. There is a level difference of approximately 16m across the site, with a steeper gradient along the western edge, which has been managed through retaining walls and grassed banks.


A number of utilities run through the site, including gas, water and electrical cables. There is a single substation located on the eastern edge of the site. The utility routes do not constrain the site and can be moved /removed to respond to the
development proposals.



Access to the site will be from Queens Road and Princes Road. New internal streets will be constructed within
the site, alongside walking and cycling routes.