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The site has been designed with the aim of promoting active and low carbon travel, through a well-located development with easy access to facilities and amenities. In addition, a network of streets, footpaths and cycleways will provide safe and attractive routes through the site to nearby services and facilities.

Our approach has been to establish a permeable network of streets, with footpaths and cycleways that connect the site with adjacent neighbourhoods. The proposed layout of the site will be designed to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, with low vehicle speeds (20mph), wide footways, shared streets and cycle parking at all dwellings. Within the development an appropriate quantum and design of car parking will ensure there is no overspill into neighbouring areas. The primary vehicular access points to the site will be via Queens Road and
Princes Road with further pedestrian and cycle links to the wider area including improved connections between Thornburrow Drive and Quarry Road.

The design of vehicle access points will be in accordance with Manual for Streets and local design guidance,
with any local junction improvements identified as necessary as a result of the development’s traffic impact to be considered in detail.

Ultimately our aim is to ensure a seamless and safer flow of traffic and promote accessibility for all users. Additionally, the integration with public transport links encourages sustainable travel options, reducing environmental impact and improving the community’s connectivity and convenience.