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Internal UHNM Fellowships




Applications are now open for the Chief Nurse Fellowships and the Director of Midwifery Fellowships hosted by CeNREE.

Following the successful programme run in 2023 CeNREE are opening up the Chief Nurse Fellowship to ALL non-medical Professions - Are you an early career nurse, midwife, AHP, Nursing Information officer, Pharmacist, Pharmacist technician or Healthcare scientist looking for a professional development opportunity then this fellowship is for you. As a CNF or DoMF you will receive training on key themes to help develop your professional understanding and receive regular mentorship to complete an improvement project within your area of practice.

The fellowships will provide you with 2 days of CPD a month over 12 months and will conclude with a simulation event on what you have learnt. To apply, please write an expression of interest (no more than 350 words), along with this application form and send this to by the 15th of March at midday. Your expression of interest should contain your development goals and the project you are suggesting to undertake.

For any further of information please contact CeNREE Programme Leads Corrin McKay or Rachel Houghton Line manager approval will be needed to apply.


The CeNREE fellowship is a programme for development for newly qualified nurses, midwives and AHPS. The fellowship is designed to provide staff with the best start to their integration into professional registration and UHNM professional practice. Offering support through coaching and a bespoke teaching programme, staff will work through their own quality improvement project of their choice. As a CeNREE fellow your project will have an education focus that will support your preceptorship time in clinical practice.

The fellowships will provide you with 2 days of CPD a month over 9 months and will conclude with a simulation event on what you have learnt. To apply, please write an expression of interest (no more than 350 words), along with this application form and send this to by the 15th of March at midday. Your expression of interest should contain your development goals and the project you are suggesting to undertake.

For any further of information please contact CeNREE Programme Leads Corrin McKay or Rachel Houghton

UHNM are supporting the Legacy Mentor role opportunities as a way of retaining our experienced staff knowledge and experience.  The roles focus on educational and mentoring opportunities with junior colleagues to utilise the years of experience and knowledge gained through a long career.

We recognise and value this knowledge and experience through a structured programme of support and training. As a legacy mentor you will spend a portion of your working week focusing on a quality improvement project that develops and supports the educational requirements within your clinical area/speciality. Throughout your time as a legacy mentor you will attend bespoke training sessions, designed to supplement the knowledge you already have to assist you in your project.

To apply please keep a look out for the advertisement or ask your matron if they are supporting Legacy mentors in your area.


Further literature on Legacy Mentors:

  • Haines, S , Evans, K , Timmons, S and Cutler, E. (2021) A service improvement project of a legacy nurse programme to improve the retention of late career nurses. Journal of research in nursing : JRN;26(7): 648-681.
  • NHS England. (No Date) Legacy Mentoring. Available here: (Accessed 17/01/23)
  • Wray, J , Calzolari, M , Gammone, M , Aleo, G , Catania, G , Zanini, M , Sasso, L and Bagnasco, A. (2022) The potential benefits of legacy mentoring for newly qualified nurses. Nurse education in practice ;66 (103511).