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School of Medicine

Welcome to the Staff pages for School of Medicine.

Here you will find descriptions of the medical student's undergraduate course, opportunities to get involved in teaching and various teaching resources. 
We encourage you to let us know who you are and what your teaching interests are.  If you can't find a resource that you would expect to be here then please email Dr Stephen Williams at so that we can improve the site.​

UHNM is a teaching hospital and may ask if medical students can observe your consultation. Your treatment will not be affected in any way if you decline.

We very much appreciate the co-operation of patients in helping us to train the doctors of the future. If this is something that you would like to be involved with further, you may be able to become a Patient Volunteer.

What is a Patient Volunteer?

Since 2005, hundreds of local patients with persisting physical signs of long-term medical conditions have supported the work of Keele Medical School by helping in the training of students studying to become doctors, Physician Associates and other healthcare professionals.

This can be by being physically examined during classroom teaching sessions or in formal assessments, or by talking to pairs of year 1 medical students by phone or video link to develop their communication skills.  

Students greatly appreciate the input of real patients as they feel it gives them valuable patient insight and helps them develop important clinical skills that will be essential to them when they are qualified. ​

Our Patient Volunteers gain a lot of satisfaction from helping students in their journey and find the experience really interesting and enjoyable. The majority of those patients who help with either teaching or exams return to help out on multiple occasions. Even so, we are always looking to expand our pool of Patient Volunteers.  We can use patients with almost any condition, but at the moment we are especially looking for those with:

·         Respiratory conditions: e.g. COPD, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis

·         Heart and circulation conditions; e.g. mechanical valve replacements, persisting irregular heart beat, heart murmurs, peripheral vascular disease

·         Muscle and Joint conditions; e.g. arthritis, knee and back problems

·         Neurological conditions; e.g. Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke; weakness or decreased/disturbed sensation in the limbs

·         Abdominal conditions; e.g. patients with stomas or hernias, kidney transplants/dialysis

We only ask for help infrequently and, when we do, we provide transportation as well as refreshments on the day.

If you are interested in contributing please get in touch with the Patient Volunteer Team, which is based at the Clinical Education Centre on the Royal Stoke University Hospital site on telephone: 01782 679718 or email

The team would be delighted to hear from you and can answer any questions you may have.

For additional information on other ways you can get involved with the Medical School, please visit:


We want to make you very welcome during your placements at our hospitals.  

You will find information about staff and our expectations for your learning while you are in your placement.  

We will try our best to avoid duplication of information and resources available on KLE, but some important information may be on both sites.