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Keeping Our Patients Safe After COVID-19

Face Coverings:  All visitors to the department are required to wear a face covering.  You may bring your own, or there are surgical masks and hand sanitiser available at each entrance of the hospital.

Social Distancing:  2m social distancing is being maintained throughout the hospital, and applies to all patients, visitors and staff.  Many areas are also operating a one-way system, and walking on the left hand side where possible.

Check-In Kiosks:  Please use the kiosk to check in and register you arrival and make your way to the Heart and Lung clinic.

Please book in with the receptionist at Heart and Lung, who will direct you to the Respiratory waiting area where you will be met by a member of the team and either asked to take a seat in the waiting room or be shown directly into one of the testing rooms.  It may not be possible due to social distancing for relatives, friends or carers to stay in the waiting room but you will advised of this at the time. 

For most tests performed in the department, staff will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.  This includes a long sleeved gown, mask, eye protection (may be goggles or a visor) and gloves. 

Enhanced Cleaning

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic the department put into place enhanced cleaning protocols to keep everyone safe.  Each clinical room is cleaned after every use with a deep clean taking place at the end of each day.  The waiting room and frequent touch points (e.g. door handles, light switches) are cleaned regularly throughout the day.  A one-way system has also been put into place.  Any equipment that is not single use is thoroughly decontaminated after it has been used and we regularly complete cleaning and infection prevention audits to ensure we maintain a high standard of cleanliness.